Missed Me?

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"Here we are mam, have a seat right here." I helped an old woman to her seat.

She sighed in relief. "Thank you so much young lady. You're so kind."

I smiled. "It's my pleasure mam. Is there anything else you'll need?"

"Well..if it isn't trouble..a bottle of water would be great."

I nodded. "Of course mam. I'll be right back."

She smiled warmly.

I made my way through the room and out to the hall. Now where's the vending machine?


I smiled. "Hey, Jin."

"Where are we headed to today?"

"Just retrieving a water bottle for a patient."

"Ugh..you have so much patience."

I giggled. "The patients deserve our best service."

"Ehh. Not quite. Last time i gave good service the patient was practically all over me. Trying to kiss me and what not."

My eyes widen as i laughed. "No way! Seriously?"

He nodded. "It was a nightmare. Her doctor was changed asap."

"Wow. Sorry to hear that."

He sighed. "Not my fault I'm so handsome."

It's his fault he makes that doctor outfit look so damn sexy.

We laughed.

Jin and I continued to laugh and crack jokes in our conversation while we walked to the main lobby.

"Where's the vending machine?" I asked

"Just down this hall. I'm actually needed in the emergency room. I'll see you around."

I waved. "Later."

Okay. Just give in a dollar and out comes your water!


I bent down and retrieved the bottle from the machine. I observed the bottle as I smiled. It's the small actions of kindness that make a difference in this world.

"Can I have a sip?"

I gasped.

"Jungkook..what are you.."

He grabbed the bottle from me and opened it, taking a big sip.


"You idiot."

"What? You stopped sharing too?"

"That was for a patient."

He dropped it. "Ew!"


"It isn't infected with chemicals right?!"

I chuckled. "It's a water bottle you idiot."

Jungkook noticed my smile and smiled widely, I instantly stopped smiling and got serious.

"Gimme a dollar." I said as I extended my hand.


"You spilled my patients drink."

He sighed and reached for his pocket. "Aigoo.." he handed me a bill.

"Thank you." I said as I retrieved another bottle from the machine.

"So you're a nurse now."

I rolled my eyes.

Unacceptable Love (BTS JUNGKOOK FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now