Jackson Wang

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-Jackson POV-


I just won!

Mmmaaaaannnnnn nothing can ever top this! Now I can give back so much.

My boys and I went to celebrate at a high end restaurant.

Mark: Yo! I'm so happy I can't eat right!

Youngjae: I'm so happy I want to cry!

Yugyeom: I'm so happy I can stay smiling forever.

Jr: I'm so happy this has to be a dream.

JB: guys..hehe..let's toast.

We raised our glass and toasted.

All: aahhh!

Yugyeom: Yo Jackson, your teacher is smokin hot!

Bambam: Yooooo! She's..mmm.

I laughed. "Shut up, don't talk about Ms. Jones like that."

Mark: Tell us, do you like her?

My heart throbbed.

I haven't told anybody. But yeah, I have a little crush for my insanely hot teacher.

Who cares if she's older.

I'll come of age soon and then we can.. date? Aish who am I kidding. Ms. Jones is way out of my league..

Youngjae: Do you?

Yugyeom: I think he does, look how red he's getting! Haha!

"Heh...you guys are too much."

JB: It's okay if you have a small crush. It's normal.

I guess so.

"Yeah.. I do. Heh.." I blushed.

Mark: aawwww!

Jr: I don't blame you. I'd love to have her as my teacher ;)

I laughed. "Guess I'm just lucky."

Bambam: when did you realize you liked her?

"Since the day I saw her. It was an instant crush!"

JB: She's so kind and considerate.

"Hehe yeah..she's always so positive and encouraging.."

Jr: Why was that Jungkook kid there?

Yugyeom: Oh yeah? What was that about?

I sighed. "I dunno.. but he tagged along. I like to call him the teachers pet."

They laughed.

Youngjae: wae?

"Because? He follows her around like a puppy."

Mark: You don't think he might like her as well?

"I wouldn't be surprised. But he better back off, she's my woman."

All: Oooohhhh!

Bambam: You sound like you really like her. You sure it's just a little crush?

....it is..I'm sure.

JB: Ms. Jones is your teacher, Jackson.

"I know. I'm not saying anything?"

Youngjae: If only you were older..ahhh.. you guys would make a cute couple.

"Haha..you think?"

I've only had dreams..

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