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dear bakugo,

i've admired you for quite a while now. though, it's only ever been from afar. i can't seem to change that fact. i can't seem to put my finger on it. at first, i tried brushing off my attraction towards you as simply that, physical attraction. nothing more, nothing less. but something about that explanation seemed wrong, unfinished, even.

the more i thought about it, the more i began to watch how you acted with others. who in their right mind would like someone who can't stand being around others? me apparently but that's beside the point.

soon enough you consumed my thoughts. i noticed little things about you that i took mental note of how you smirk whenever midoriya gets a wrong answer,  how you naturally lean towards kirishima during quirk training, how you only use black pens. how the only gum you carry is cinnamon, which i also started buying because of you, but that's beside the point. even the slight look of pride you have when kirishima comes to you with a high test score.

there's more i've noticed throughout the year, but there's no point in listing everything. that's not the point of this letter. the point is me coming clean in a way.

i like you.

i like how determined you are. i like how you smile slightly when you're with your friends. i like how you overreact when someone points out said smile. i like the feeling i get when i see you in class in the morning.

and of course, i like the physical things. you're strong and pretty, what's not to like? at first i thought that's all it was, physical attraction. but the more i interact with you and see you interact with others, the more i see that it's more than that.

i've thought about writing you this for a while, but i avoided it. i avoided how i felt for a while. i tried getting rid of my feelings. i tried to get over it. but i couldn't. you've taken over, bakugo, and it doesn't feel like there's any going back.

but i can't tell you in person. not now at least.

until then, i'll admire you from afar

afar | 𝘬. 𝘣𝘢𝘬𝘶𝘨𝘰✓Where stories live. Discover now