CHAPTER #14(meet the grandparents)

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-Ram (POV)-

I don't know if I'm in a midst of dreaming I heard such boisterous sounds around me.
My eyes started to open I surprised when I saw two old person thus confusing look me.I swiftly raised, while my eyes began to roam in every part of this room."It seems familiar"-I murmured- when my eyes turned exactly on my back Thara's faced is the one who meet me.

"Thara"-I said faintly-

She smirk "How's your sleep within my room? is that you felt comftable?"-she ask me caustically-

"Thara, who's this man?"-old man on my back ask her interrogatively-

"He's a friend,grandpa"

"A friend?"

"I mean he's my friend"

"but why is he here?"-Ask her grandma-

"He came here yesternight.He drunk when he come"

"Drunk?.Why did you do to make him in? what if he made a mistake ah! I mean, something like....Ah! you know!"-her grandma's word was disgusted-

I confused when I looked Thara, she stuck at the same time sweating.Fuck! I started to felt nervous.What if I really made a mistake shit! I can't remember everything happen!

"Ah! he don't"-she respond faintly-

Shit! I'm embarrassing!
"Thara, Have I made a wrong?"-I ask her again to confirm-


She said nothing but it was not convincing
"Ma'am,Sir I'm sorry if I having here last night.Honestly, when I drunk I can't really remember on my way but I'm assuring you that I'm not a type of man whose doing thing unwisely.Thara is my friend,only friend I will never act such a stupid things that make her hurt."

Their impression become varied.
"Well boy I felt that you're a goodman"-her grandpa's word seems like mocking-"Are you her suitor?"-I stuck-

"suitor?"-I said repeatedly-

"Yes I'm asking are you her suitor?"

"Grandpa,No"-Thara shouted-

"I'm just asking Thara"

"Ah! Sir her's right I'm just her friend"

"Nothing more than that?"-he assuring-


"Well,not good" Thara and I become wondered "ah! what I mean....... you look good by the way what is your name?"

"I'm Ram,Sir" I take his hands and we shake as a gesture of being good.

"It's nice to meet you Ram.I'm Harold Lacspein"
"Same on you,Sir"

"Anyway here's my lovely husband"he said while he taught his wife

"Nice to meet you,Ma'am"

"Same on you Ram.I'm Aimee Lacspein, by the way ah!sorry for being helter-skelter.I think I'm acted overly"

"No! it's okay Ma'am.I'll promise for the next time I came I'm not drunk"

"Are you sure that your just a friend?"-her grandpa's ask repeatedly-

"Grandpa! stop it"

"Okay! okay!"

"It must be better if we eat now come-along Ram join us"-Her grandma invite me-

"It seems like embarrassing Ma'am.I slept here and it's too over if I dine here also here with you"-I said while shaking my head-

"It's okay.We also made a mistake we placed that your adversely man.We really sorry for that.Actually we just protecting Thara 'cause she's just our only grandchild from her deceased parents"

"Don't mind it,Ma'am"


Mr.Harold,Thara and I be sitting already while her Grandma, preparing a food When she done she
sit beside her husband while Thara beside me

"Ram how long have you here?"

"Grandma, don't ask him about his staying here"-Thara said faintly-

"Why? what's wrong I'm just asking on how been long he stayed here"-her Grandpa wondering-


"It's okay Thara.Honestly It's not my intention to be here when ah! my parents left me I decided to prison myself but there's a kind person who adopt me she got me goes to school until I graduated when I reached the profession that she want for me I'm really happy 'cause I think that, it's been a way to thank her but it end sadly 'cause she died.I left my profession and I break loose my life I searching serene place until my journey cast-away here."

"I'm sorry,Thara's right maybe I didn't do to bothered you in my question"

"Are you okay"- Thara swiping my arms-

"Yeah"-I said faintly-

Deep within I'm not happy.I tell them about my past but not totally, the real reason for my quiting it's because of my past Girlfriend.Maybe for my family too,.
I can't say it yet, and it's because of you Thara-I sly looked her-.Till my feelings was not proven I will not say everything on you.I need to deceive
What if I say that I need you but your interpretation fight against my feeling.You think that I need you as my coverall but it is not like that.... now! I started to feel different, I don't know why? when? how it's start but I felt different not totally but partly, maybe the overseer was right I need to take time but I'm afraid for that time what if I 'DEAL' but at the end I'm 'FAIL'?.-for the second time I look her but she late me, She smiled.

That fucking smile that makes me sudden shit!

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