CHAPTER #20 (preperation)

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-Ram (POV)-

After I kissed Thara,my heart dictating me to confess the real and cleared feeling what I have now! but, It's already on plan so I resist my heart to did it.

I still be sit on a sand with also playing this.Formerly, the overseer was the one who first here than me but now, I'm too early than him.

I smiled scarcely when I think again the kiss that I did on Thara!.Shit! my mind protesting to did it over than I did lately,FUCK! you're demented Ram!.
My mind still spotted on what I've think and in that position, I won't notice that the overseer was already on my side sitting,too.

"Ram!"he call me

"Woah!"I raised fastly.The overseer laugh on my reaction "You surprised me Mr.Ronald"

"Stop thinking too much"he said like he knows what I've think
He continue "Are you ready for your task Ram?"

"It's not task Mr.Ronald"I correct him

"Whatsoever is that...... good luck"

"Good luck?!"I smirk "I don't need that good luck"

He drastic laugh"what if Thara didn't say 'Yes' on your proposal?"he ask me like confirming

"She's really in love on me.She can't rid to answer me!.I'm sure with that"

"Guts!"We both laugh.

We're in the midst of chatting when there's somebody call us.That voice seems so familiar that's why I know who's really that

"Thara?!" we turned our back head-on her

She reached us already "Hi!" she smiled simple

"Thara what are you doing here?"the overseer ask her

"Honestly, I want to talked Ram and hopefully I will do it lately but I lost it to my mind when........."She stop

I felt shamed when Thara stared me in a seductive way

"Ah! nothing"

"What do you need from Ram?"the overseer ask her

"Ah! I just want to ask him if...."Her voice suddenly become faint

Mr.Ronald and I still waiting her next words
"Ah!"he look at me "Is it okay if you will be  my escort on my birthday"

Momentary, I stuck but I recovered when the overseer swipe my arms

"Huh? ah!" Shit! what would I say?.My sight is on Mr.Ronald like I'm asking a help.If I refuse her she become sad but, what about our plan?"Ah!"

"It's okay if you don't want"she said with a dim face

"Ah! Thara"

"No! I said it's okay"
She started to step backward but I touch her hands immediately.

"It's okay I"ll be"

She turned her back on me"are you sure?"she confirming

I smiled"Of course I am"

"Thanks,okay I'll go inside"

"Take care"

When Thara, already left,my sight back again to the overseer I gazed him with so confused

"Mr.Ronald what we gonna do now?"

He laugh "you're too much! thoughtful"


"Our plan will still.Escort? is just nothing compared to our plan,Ram"

"So, are you trying to say not to emerge that time But, Thara will become sad and I don't want it to happen?"

"Relax, she knows nothing about our plan.......once more, I'm sure that she will be surprised when she witness what you were doing that night.If ever that she become mad because you don't escort her.........then ah! oh! well, you don't need to explain 'cause she will witness it."

Mr.Ronald explained it clearly but I still panicking.

After I take a shower.I lay down on bed.I took the box having a ring.I smiled softly when I saw it.I don't really know how to react from this moment I can't imagine my self loving again within just a month.Thara is really different,.I'm not fully in love but I love her and I want to build another lifetime with her.


The beamed from the curtain implying me to wake-up, after I raised from bed I take a shower and take a breakfast afterwards, I step downward I saw them all preparing,they bothered doing their task I'm beaten my head when I remember that today's birthday of Thara"you're stupid Ram! why don't you remember it"I felt that there's someone swiping my arms.I turned my back then "Oh! Mr.Ronald?"

"Are you here for helping us?"

"I guess"I shrug

"well, just help if you want then don't if you don't.Actually, in just a few minutes we will already done we started early that's why we also finished early"he murmured closely to my ears"If I were you I will practice now to sing"he laugh

"Mr.Ronald you scared me!"

"Scared? you're coward!.It's okay Ram you don't need to help"

"Where's Thara?"

"Why? you missed her?"

I rob their attention when I laugh  "I'm just asking!"

"It's because you miss her!" after he murmured he go-off

I need to prepare! fools Ram the way you acted it seems that it's your birthday not Thara!

I step back to my room!

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