CHAPTER #27 ( The Unexpected Truth)

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-Ram (POV)-

"I'm sorry Thara I tried to act like nothing but in every time that I saw her....I lost!.I tried to avoid her but she still pushing her self on me.I want to tell you but I don't know how?.....How to start? or when the perfect time to uttered.I'm afraid Thara.
Thea's such a threat for us.I can't calm until she's here.I'm sorry I really sorry" I murmured

Still, I can't fall asleep that's why I exit.I decided to walk since I'm still awake but before I totally emerge I get to Thara's bed.I know that she become sad because of I acted lately maybe not just sad she also confused but I can't stop to disgust in every time that I saw Thea I can't pretend or else to act that I won't know her.I tried not for me but for Thara but still I'm lost doing it.I saw her sleepy I slowly walked towards her.I kissed her forehead afterwards,I totally move backing off.Just like my lounges I came there again..........After I reach it I lay my body down on sand.
I closed my eyes while pensive.I'm here again in the midst of intellection when there's somebody's touching my arms.I fastly open my eyes"Thara!" I uttered
When I keep my eyes above.I saw Thea not Thara shit!
"What are you doing here?!" I said disgustedly

"Ram can we talk?" her voice was full of sincerity well,so what?! she's still shit!

"For what?.....what for?" I tried to calm and control my voice but I don't think so if I did it mannerly.

"Ram please!"

I fastly get up.She still speaking but I'm just go beyond here.I surprised when she followed me at the midst of the ladder I stop.

"Will you please stay away from me!"I yelled

"Ram please give me time to speak even in just a few minutes.Listen to me"

"I said stay........ isn't clear to you?"

"Listen to me"

I snarl "Listen?.....listen for what? for your stupid explanation.I don't care about that! as you can see I'm happy now so please stop approaching me and forget it! 'Cause me I'm trying to get off that embittered memories from my past so it is better if you acted like we both strange.Thara is just the one who help for those whole time that I'm hopeless and helpless.In every minutes seems to pass I thought that I was just needing her but I'm wrong.Thea I'm afraid to loss her. until your here I'm not going to be fine so please can you just the one who leave.Leave here!" Her tears began to fall after my words.I'm acted to disregard her and get on stepping but she blocked me through hugging, she hug back on me.

"what are you doing?"

"Ram I know you still love me so please give me a chance to explain why I'm leaving you without nothing.Let me explain."

"Thea stop it!"

"I know I'm insignificant but Ram the whole years that I'm not with you I also pained.We're in the same spot that time but try to understand that I'm doing this for you.I leave because I  found your family"her hands still on me while continuing saying.I can't feel mad when he cite my parents
"Ram I know that you really want to see your family.You're mad in every time that I will mentioned their name but deep inside I know that you really want to ask them why they just doing this on you.I tried to investigate and luckily, with the help of my family from Canada I found them.That time I decided to depart I thought that it was just a temporary but...........I remained 'cause........."she stop uttering and she removed her hands on me.I saw the pain in her eyes

"Finish your words" I said in faintly voice

"Ram you will be hurt if I tell you what is the truth"

"But it's my right to know.Tell me"

"Supposed to be my presumption is to live there in just a week just to talked your parents and also to let them know that their child needed them.But that time your Mom tell me that your father....... killed by your......... step father"

I stuck because of her words

"W-what d-do y-you m-mean?" my words such impediment

"Ram your Mom partner now is not your biological father yet his the reason why your Dad died!"

I felt that my world began to collapse.When she tell me this words I hope that it was just a dream I don't care if it is a bad dream as long as I awake without reality.I sit on ladder

"Ram!.I'm sorry I really sorry" she crying

"Thea tell me In what way could my father died?"

She still crying
"Thea tell me! tell me!"

"Your step father slay him"

"Huh! your kidding"I seems to be crazy "it makes me crazy!"I murmured

"Ram I'm not kidding but the bitter fact is that your step father wasn't trapped"

"Where was came that fucking words Thea huh! where?"

"Believe me! believe on me Ram.When your step father know that the child from your Mom's belly wasn't him he slayed your father........your biological father!.Your Mom signed a contract that after she bear they will trash the baby and that  baby......Is you!.
You're lucky 'cause there someone who picked and adopt you.....Ram I'm not going to  deceive you specially now that your Mom are in danger.Even me or my family can't help her 'cause your step father was now powerful anyone could try to fight him can also on death.I told her that you're alive she said that if she had a chance she will meet you.Ram stop hiding from your painful past it's now the perfect time to face it specially thus the answer is now on you."

"After you know the truth why are you still living there?.I don't know how to react after you revealed that words I don't know what to do Thea.The space that we forsaken can't ever be back Thea.I don't know if I will be sad........hurt.....or I will regrets.Thea I'm lost!" Now, I can ever stop my tears to fall

"Ram you're not lost! you need a space....A time to accept this fact"

All of the time I must seeking a explanation why my life can be like this.I tried to avoid Thea but the fact she's just the one who can give answer.I will always thinking why she leave me but now she tell me that everything that her did was only for me just to give me clarity.And to tell that my Mom won't meant to depart me.......!

When she walk towards me just to comfort me I'll never did to protest I'm not fine and I need someone now beside me.

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