CHAPTER #17(surprised plan)

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It was to late but still I can't feel drowsy, until now I still think that Thea.
It's been 9:30 at night when I decided to go out.
When I reached down I notice that anybody's couldn't there.I bound to the spot where the overseer and I are there last night but, I'm just starting to step when I  saw the overseer,too.

"Are you there every night Mr.Ronald?"-he surprised when he saw me rightly on his back-

"Oh! Ram you surprised me".
"Ah! yeah! I'm here every night to hang around.I felt tired at the day that's why I'm here every night.It is a way to relieve my body from weary."

"How about you.What made you come here? for that......girl again?"-he tease me-

I smirk "I guess so?"

She laugh"Plenary man has a same problem.Especially if they are handsome,just like you.I'm curious,Ram your problems are just about girls?"

I laugh drastically "Of course not!"

"You're rueful! but it's okay it's part of our life to receive and resolve problem.Oh! how about your problem between you and those girl?"


"Still not cleared?"

"I confessed but I said that still not proven"

He laugh loudly when he heard what I've said"Confessing? but not proven? what's a funny words!"

"It sounds seemed to be funny?"

"I don't know"-he still laughing-"Ah! I-m just laughing"

"So, it's really laughing!"

"Don't think that 'cause I know that your mind must just focus the way on how you cleared your feelings for that girl?"

"As a matter of fact, I felt that it was cleared now, when I'm with her I noticed that my mood began to shift likely to felt happy, ashamed, nervous or maybe......."I sudden stop

"maybe, what?"he wait my next words

"Maybe jealous"-I said in a thrifty voice-

"Jealous?.Don't worry Thara nothing had man except on you,Ram"-I stuck because of what he said-

"Wait! how did you know that thing between us?"

He smirk "it's too obvious"

"Obvious? Thara,telling you about this?"

"She won't.She's not a type of girl that chatty especially if about her personal life.I just notice from her acted down to her feelings.When she began to confused about you she ask me about you why are you acted like that? or how can you be like that?.I tell her everything that I know about you. when she told me that you're friends that time too, her personality began to change seems like different from Thara before, Ram Thara is not a type of girl that you can get credulous so please if you love her don't make her hurt."

"You're really love her right?"

"Yeah, I really love her when her parents are gone I began to treat her like my own child it's not hard to love her she's kind,submissive everything she had.Promise me that you will never hurt her not over!"

"So I started now to court her?"

"I have an Idea Ram! what if you confessed at the same time to court her on the day of her birthday"


"Yeah! don't you know? she didn't tell you?"

"Yeah, she didn't do"

"It's okay at least now you already know"

"So, when her's birthday?"

"By the end of this month"

I surprised "Five days to go?"

"Yeah! actually we been so busy in planning.Her grandparents wanted to become it pompous"

I sudden stuck I can't think what's the best gift that can I give on her.I amazed when he late my thought

"You don't need to waste your time thinking about a gift that you will give on her.Thara doesn't materialistic just tell on her what you've feel and promise she will become happy"

"But it must so better if aside with that I also have other gift just a simple gift,too"

"Well, it's up to you"

"By the way what's your Idea that you want to shared on me?"

"If I present will you do this?"I kinda felt nervous I don't know what's his plan

"What do you want me to do?"

"Just a simple thing you will sang!.I will insert on the programme that before she blow her candle her friends will sing first.Don't worry I will not do to placed your name on a programme and since I'm the spokesman  when I uttered that her friend where sing it means that friend that I  referred is you.Then do it! that's it! the next move just do it by your own.It is cleared?"

"Yeah! I got it!"

"Ram, honestly I just doing this to make perfect because it is the first time that she will celebrating her birthday for the past year"

"But why?"-I'm asking with full of curiosity-

"Her Mom died at her birthday.Her day being debutant.Her special day painted of loneliness that's why she never did to celebrate it,afterwards."

When I heard that words my heart starting to congest.Thara is not a type of person that chatty about her past.She's been also committing pain but in every time that I look her she still be fine.Maybe she just pretending.

While walking backward I can't rid to think what would be the best gift that can I give her?.Shit! I had too much conceivably.
I scarcely laugh when I think our plan with the overseer.But, I also need to thank some other gift.My mind can't get over about Thara's birthday my focus still there while on my bed.

Thara, I will changed your remaining memories from past if it is sad before now I'll make it happy just to make you completely.

At your special day we will make to start our journey while with.

If my feelings was exactly proven there's  nothing to be fear!.

Break Apartजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें