CHAPTER #30 (acceptance and be apart)

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After a past week

-Thara (POV)-

The whole week pass but I stayed on my room I don't know how can I stayed at this longer time.My grandparents are panicking they think that I will try to end my life of course I can't do that! I just want to process and accept the fact what had on my front.

I continuing weeping.I think him everytime........the way he smiled when his with me..........his reaction when I make a surprised for him......the time we spend together......the beautiful and romancing moment we've made and share........make me lost!.

But I need to go on.
My life will goes on.
Even without him,I need to be strong!.

I need to accept this fact wether I like it or not It's my destined and my ending.

I really believe in a story of fairy tales.
Some princesses will find their Prince but not all of them can it be their destined.

Just like me I found my Prince but his not my destiny.I meet him early then he also left fastly.Supposed to be I'm the one who break him but I did this 'cause I'm afraid that the time will came that he will say it,first.

Fairytale just like a dream sometimes it will grant what you've wish but after you bump you will realize that it was just temporary......In fairytale there's no have eternally.

It is better to break him.At least I can prove that I don't need to be selfish for just the reason that I love him.

My grandparents bring me a food but I didn't eat it and when they try to talk me I'm acted like weary and drowsily.
At night again........They'll bring me a food.

"Thara.We will come in we bring a food for you"Grandma said


"Come-in Grandma, Grandpa"My voice was husky

"Thara! can we talked?"Grandpa said

I just nod

"Thara we know that you had a problem can you tell it on us.We notice that you sudden change in just a week.Isn't you Thara it wasn't Thara that we know.We always here for you no matter what happen so please tell us"grandma begging

"Grandma, Grandpa" I began to wept but I brushed my tears fastly
I take a deep sigh before I proceed "I broke him"

They sat on bed and they both hug me

"Why? What heppened?"

"He lied Grandma"

"In what way,Thara?" grandpa ask

"formerly, he cite a name Thea he said that this girl is just his friend then when Thea take her in resort best friend grandpa I don't know but he change until I notice like something between them but when I ask him he said that they're not the same.So, I placed on my mind that it's just nothing but one night they talked and I heard everything specially the reason why Thea left him and about his parents Thea said that she just do this for Ram It's seems like I need to blame my self why they can't back what they had on past"

"Thara when you deal to love the pain is always there no matter how much you hold and swallowed the pain at the end you will realize that staying is not too enough to make you better.Maybe is this a sign that you're not meant to each other................It's hurtful!.......You pained!  but it's okay you will be fine soon.........!"

"Stop crying"

They hug me again.
We're in this position when I heard yelling even it's on a sort distant from my room.

"Thara! Thara! will you let me to come in"

I know who's her..............

"It's Thea" grandma uttered

"Thara she will give you clarity about everything happen talked to her.Come-on Aimee let's go outside"grandpa said

"your grandpa's right she will give you clarity"

Before they exit at once they hug me again...........

Thea is now already on my front but I don't know what to say

"Thara,I know I also lied.I'm sorry for that.Thara he was distraught I know you have a place on his heart the fact that you need to accept now is he need a time and space.After you break him he doesn't ever back on me and it wouldn't ever back.Thara he can't love anybody else until he can't fix his own life.Okay be mad on me but please understand him he didn't meant to lied 'cause even his self can't accept the fact.His life now was scruffy.Thara forgive him if you don't do this he will leave carrying the pain"

I confused on her last word

"W-what do you mean?"

"Thara he will leave now! he will save his Mom from his demon step father"

"Now? right now?!"


"Why you just didn't tell?"

she shrug "I explained first!"


"Thara if you get it then go............Tell him that you will wait"

I ran fastly toward his room but when I enter his not here already!

I troop outside.At the end of the ladder I saw him walking.I ran fastly until I touched his shirt
"Ram wait!"I catching my breath with so difficult


"Don't worry I won't stop you.I'm just here to say sorry at the same time to say good-------"

I stop my words when he hug me

"Thara sorry if I hurt your feelings"

"But you didn't meant it ........Right?"

"But I still sorry"

"Ram...........I will wait! can you promise that you will back?"

He smiled but also he pained "I don't need to promise 'cause I will be back.After I fix my own life I will back" He touch my face "Thara I'll be back"

"I know! but Ram sorry for being selfish between us you're the one who most really felt pain but still I thinking my self......Sorry.......I have no regrets.......When the time came that your back I hope you can love without  fear and doubts.Always be care"

"I will you too, Thara"

"Hmnn.I will"

When he let his arms to dropped I felt dump without regrets.He began to step but he back and kissed me for the last time I'm contented with his kiss 'cause for this last moment we're still together.

He still mine!

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