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Carter paced while Asher slept soundly. Asher was naked and laying on his stomach, Carter looked him over with admiration, he froze clenching his fists his knuckles turning white as he grew closer to his lower back.


He let out a low growl, the crewed lettering while hardly visible now still marked his man to the women he had murdered. He had once loved Alex, but now he was happy she was gone. He carefully ran his thumb over it, he quickly pulled his hand away as Asher twitched at the feeling, the blanket that covered his upper back slipped off, Carters eyes grew wide as he eyed the marks that covered his naked body. He gulped feeling sick, he had done this, he was the cause of these wounds. While many of the whip-marks were gone a few long gashes would never leave his once perfect skin. He eyed him with soft sad eyes when he noticed the C in his arm. He hadn't realized it was still there, it was a mark that would never leave him.

He wavered in his position as he raised a shaking hand to steady him against the wall. He began to realize why Asher had so much fear for him despite their nine months of solitude from the family, and six killing as a duo. He was sick to his stomach many, if not most, of the wounds that littered his beautiful body came from his hands. Punishments he had given him for 'kidnapping' his pregnant wife. Carter knew now that both Valery and Asher had planned the escape, most of it was in fact Valery's plan. He held himself against the wall, many of the wounds had been his attempt to flirt, but now it was sickening to him, the idea that the horrific treatment was meant to be flirting. How Asher had ever forgiven him was beyond comprehension, not only had he been tortured and raped but he had been nearly killed by his hands alone. Grief washed over him as he dropped to his knees lowering his head into his hand.

Asher's sleeping frame began to contort curling into a ball, he twitched as hot tears rolled down his face. "No, no please..please..let me go..please.." He begged in his sleeping state.

Carter's shot up from the floor and raced to his side, Asher woke shortly after a few good shakes. He sat up quickly, his face turned white as he looked over Carter he burst into tears and Carter quickly pulled him into his lap. "What happened baby?" Carter asked rocking him softly.

Asher shook in his careful hold, Asher sobbed harder nuzzling into his neck. "No...no I can...can't youll..youll hate me."

"Hate ya for what?" Carter asked carefully leaving kisses along his neck and face. "I...I have done really bad things to you, its a surprise to me you're even still here and not long gone. I will never hate you for anything."

Asher's head slowly raised, his face now visible was red and splotchy as he sobbed. "No...this is different." He managed out between deep breaths.


"Wasn't a memoery...it..it...it was jus...just a bad dream." He hiccupped.

"Tell me Asher, now, please baby." The authority in his voice while more subtle then usual sent a slight shiver through Asher's spine. He hesitated for a moment before nodding.

"I dreamt we went back to your old home, you uh..you decided to eat the meat again to make your mother happy. Something snapped in you and you took me to the barn, the one we had our first real kiss in, the one you told me you loved me in. I thought it was romantic in some messed up way like when your dad gave your mom a human heart...but then you...then you tied me up without warning and you..you..." He gulped his eyes wide in terror. "You...uh..used me and then told me we weren't leaving and that you wanted to start over...that I was going to be your slave again..and I...and your dad had found you a new girl and you were going to have us both."

After finally managing out his story he became uncontrollable, his body became ragged with each sob. Carters eyes were wide with realization, Asher still really was terrified for his life despite having agreed to love him. "I promise Asher, I will never do that to you. I promise. I promise Asher." After a few more ragged sobs Asher looked up. "Really, baby boy, I promise I wont. I changed, I am changed, because of you. If we go back to see my mom, I wont eat any human I swear to you. I swear it with my whole soul, and we won't go anywhere near that barn...oh hell what have I done to you?"

Asher eyed him as Carters eyes grew soft and he began to cry, Asher had never seen Carter cry. He was in shock. "Asher, I am so fucking sorry. I am so damn sorry for the things I have done to you, what I let my family do to you, what I let Alex do. You belong to me, only if you want that. I will let you walk out that door right now if that means I will stop bringing you pain. You are my world and I have done horrible things to you. Raped you, beat you, whipped you. Fuck I...I nearly drowned you in a well for being a man and saving someone who turned around and left you for dead. Im...Im a..god i am a monster who doesn't deserve an angel like you."

Asher while still sobbing smile, Carter was holding him tightly as the two cried together. Asher was in aw, Carter finally apologized for everything. Carter finally realized what he had done. Carter held Asher out slightly to look him over after a few minutes of crying. "Asher, you deserve something better than a an whos used you as a toy, and held you at gun point. Chased you in the woods threatening your freedom. You deserve someone better than a man who, while lying, threatened the life of their own child. You deserve more than me."

Asher let out a choked laugh. "I dont want anyone else you fucking psychopath. I don't know what is wrong if me but, I dont want to leave. I want you now that we have gone through so much change together. Yes you've fucked me up...you have done things to me I can't even explain, but I want to be here. Maybe I am crazy, maybe I am an idiot to stay but I do want you." His smile soon appeared again, he cocked his head to the side and cupped Carters cheek with his shaking hand. "I am not as scared of you as I was before, because you finally apologized. It means you are changing, it means you realized that you were wrong, and that maybe some where in that brain of yours you finally dont just see me as a toy to use, but a part of you. A valuable part of our relationship."

Carter grinned taking Ashers hand in his. "Oh baby boy, I have seen you as a valuable part of my life for a long time now, as more than a toy, and I am so sorry I have not said anything before now." Asher's blotchy face soon grew redder from blushing. Carter brought him into a soft kiss before slowly and carefully deepening it. It wasn't rough, but intense, it was a real kiss of passion.

"I promise to make everything i've ever done up to you." Carter managed out between kisses. Carter felt Asher grip his arm tightly.

"I..want you to know I dont want you to see me as weak or useless. I am sorry im jumpy when I am and dont kill as well as you do, and dont try to enjoy it the way you do..but I am trying. But I am still scared."

"Getting scared is normal. I am the reason you are so scared anyway." Carter replied breaking the kiss for a moment. "I..I want to stop killing. For you."

Ashers head shot up. "What?"

"For two..no three months I will be clean. I promise."

"But Carter..you...you love killing." Asher managed out in surprise, he was mesmerized.

"I love you more, I love you more than any kill I could and ever have had. I love you more than my family, my old traditions, my urge to kill. I love you enough to stop cold turkey, if that means I get to keep you at my side. I am going to need your help, it wont be easy, but I promise to stop, I promise. The only kill I will do in my hiatus is your uncle if I get the displeasure of seeing that slimy bastard, but I promise to stop. I need your help though, it wont be easy..if you allow it..I would like to take any urges I have out on you sexually, or romantically either way. Kisses, sex, baths together, whatever it takes, little dates. I would even watch those stupid rom com movies if it means you will stay mine Asher."

Asher couldn't help but beam with pride, Carter was changing, really changing. "I will do whatever you need me to, I am here to help you Carter." Asher said lovingly, Carter kissed Asher carefully before laying him back down and covering him in a blanket. "Get some sleep now okay? For me at least, have good dreams this time. I will figure out how we get out of here, find somewhere we can call our own okay."

Asher nodded yawning as he curled up and soon fell asleep. Carter turned to the couch and turned on the TV hoping to see the road blocks were gone, but instead he was hit with more images of his baby boy and an increased prize of twenty five thousand dollars for his safe return.

Carter balled his hands into fists, he growled. Valery had gone to far this time. No one would take what was his. 

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