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Asher and Carter decided not to stay up for dinner, they both were exasusted, Anika had kept some things out for them to make sure they would eat when they wanted, she knocked on the door leaving the plate on the floor infront of it. Carter heard the knock while Asher was busy getting himself undressed and into something meant for sleeping, which for him was boxers and from time to time one of Carter's shirts. Carter opened the door and grabbed the plate, he closed the door setting it down. "Cookie?"

Asher looked up grabbing for the treat that Carter was offering him. He happily munched on it, he smiled, she sure knew how to make a cookie. "What else is there?"

"Ah, well, it looks like some fruit vegitables, and some form of meat. I would hope my mother didn't slip something in, but I dont know if we should trust that."

"What fruit?" Asher asked trying to ignore the idea of it not being normal.

"Strawberries, watermelon."

"Oh that sounds good." Asher replied as he climbed on the bed, Carter smirked feeding him. Asher smiled as he ate, he was trying to ignore the fact they were back in the clutches of the cannibals. Carter was being really good about the idea of being removed from the meat. "Thank you Carter." Asher said softly.

Carter looked him over. "For?"

"Changing who you are for me."

"I love you."

Asher felt his face blush, he was happy with Carter. "I love you too." Carter pulled Asher into his arms as they cuddled till they fell asleep. The next morning as the sun shown through the windows Asher sat up. He was expecting Carter to be beside him when but he wasn't. He looked around the room and went to open the door, locked.

He began to panic, why was it locked?

What was going on?

Asher continued to jiggle the handle until it opened. Carter was standing at the door, he noticed the panic in his eyes. "Whats wrong?"

"The door, it was locked."

"Sorry, sorry." Carter said holding him in his arms. "There is just new people Max's kids got them and I was worried about you. That was my bad, I should have waited till you woke up."

"Its okay, I just..got worried."

"I'm sorry." Carter said holding him carefully. "Sorry sorry." Asher continued to shake, he hadn't expected to be left alone. Carter helped him get dressed first and then took him back out to the family. "Breakfast."

Asher quickly took notice of the two boys he had never seen before. They both were bound to the chairs and were fighting with their girls. Max was watching them with stone cold eyes, Asher also noticed the boy on the left. He looked beaten and bloody, Max's children were rougthless, however Max also helped with punishments.

Asher watched them, he wasn't sure what to do, or how to react.

They were at very different parts of their life, he had once gone through what they are going through, but he had escaped it in a way. They never would. Carter could tell he was uncomfortable, but smiled seeing Asher stayed silent. Everyones plates began to get filled, Asher watched Carter put their plates together. Pancakes, real bacon, fruit, and a roll. Asher saw the look on the boys faces when they saw there was no human on the plate.

The boy on the right began to protest to Asher's plate, they hadn't noticed that Carter didn't have any either. Max stood and both boys shrunk their shouts silencing. Asher froze waiting for Max to react to his plate as well, but instead he sat down looked at the boys and smiled. "Carter owns Asher, that is his choice was Asher eats, my girls own you two, they choose what you eat. Now shut up and enjoy what they put on your plate."

Asher let out a sigh, he hadn't expected him to say that he hadn't expected him not to give Carter shit, or to be angry. Instead Max seemed to be proud of his nephew for being able to tell his parents and his family what he wanted. The two boys glared at Asher wondering how they could get to that point, how they could not be in the place they were.

Carter watched Asher carefully seeing how the men were glaring at him. Carter cocked his head as one boy began to refuse his cousins attempt to feed him, he watched them carefully seeing Max and his cousin Iris react. Iris grabbed the steak knife off the table and quickly flicked it around, the boy froze as the knife stabbed into the middle of his hands. He let out a howled scream, pain radiating through his body, blood began to pool dripping to the floor. "Eat." She snapped, the wound continued to bleed as they ate, she left the knife in.

Asher gulped trying to ingore the boy as he cried and screamed, the thought of innocent blood made him naucious. He was okay with killing when it was bad people, but not someone innocent, but he did have to think that they may not be innocent, they could be back people. He just didn't know.

Asher smiled as Carter finally took him from the table once his plate was empty and they headed back to their room. "We should go see my brother and sister in law, I am sure they would like to see us, I dont think my dad told him I was here so we can go say hello."

Asher nodded and they headed out ot their home in the community, as they walked Asher watched the two boys get dragged back to their place, a trail of blood following Iris's boy. Asher shook his head again as they headed towards Harlees'. Asher knocked on the door and Halree opened it. He stood motionless for a moment before his arms wrapped around his brother. "My god! I thought you were dead, or something, where is Alex is she here, your kids your wife?"

Carter let out a short sigh and the three entered the living room. "Sit brother."

Harlee did as he was told. Carter began to explain what had happened, the lies of Alex's death then the truth. "Shes dead?"


"And she did it? Valery?"


"You nealry lost him too?" He asked pointing towards Asher.

"I did."

"That bitch, I knew she was trouble," Harlee said standing as he headed to find Kayla. When Kayla appeared a baby in her arms, they told her the story as well and she froze. She had loved Alex, and thought of Valery as her sister. She lowered her head. "I am so sorry that happened to you."

"It...it happened and now we are here, Asher is my fiance. We started killing on our own, we are well-known serial killers. Ever heard of the Hero killers?"

"You mean you two are killing those monsters?"

"We are."

Asher nodded with a smile, he was proud of his postion, despite being a serial killer he was proud. Carter pulled Asher into his lap, Carter kissed his neck carefully as they spoke together as a family. The day went by smoothly, Asher was getting ansy being stuck in the house so Carter decided it was time to have some fun just the two of them. They walked outside and were speaking for a moment when Carter let his hand go. "Run, the woods, when I find you, you better fight me."

Asher smiled. "Really?"

"Run," Carter said again.

Asher nodded and raced off towards the wood, Carter smiled watching him run giving him a head start before the sound of a gunshot rang through the silence of the forest, Carter's head shot up and he raced towards Asher disregarding his safety to make sure he was safe, that was when another gunshot was heard. 

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