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Double feature today, felt generous plus I love these dumb boys. 
I hope you are all enjoying the story, please do remember to keep leaving those comments I adore knowing what you all are thinking!

It keeps me creative as well so feel free to leave what you would like to see for future updates and such. 

You think Carter is going to keep his promise of three months sober?


Asher woke on his own after a few hours, he rubbed his his hazel eyes and stretched to see Carter asleep on the pull out couch. He knitted his brows confused as to why Carter wouldn't sleep with him when he realized he hadn't fallen asleep on purpose. He was watching the news. Images of himself circulated the medial like wildfire, Valery had upped the reward on his head and money talked. He gulped looking to Cater thinking about the kind of people who would try and take him for cash. He turned it off quickly and began to dress, as he pulled on his jeans he winced in pain as he pulled them over the jagged hatchet wound that would never heal properly he ran his hand over the wound he had received from Valery, the scar would also never disappear.

A knock on their motel door startled Carter awake, Asher moved away from view terrified someone would recognize him. Carter smiled seeing Asher was being smart and he opened the door. Standing before him was a disheveled man with dark bags under his green hazy eyes, he looked like he had never been introduced to a shower in his life. "Can I help you?" Carter inquired. The man nodded quickly causing Carter to look away for a moment to save his vision.

"I was uh wondering if ya happened to have heard anything strange go on last night? My friend, we were drinking in the bar, said he saw some hot piece of ass, and then disappeared. Just can't be too careful you know, with a cannibal and two serial killers running around you know.

Asher flinched remembering his near rape from the night before, Carter gripped the door tight remembering his promise. "No didn't hear nothing last night, just been me and my fiancé here all night." The man nodded in dismay as he headed to the next door. Carter closed the door quickly. "Hot piece of ass, you are a hot piece of ass, but mine." Carter snarled as he looked Asher over, he was half dressed and looking hot as always. Asher blushed hiding his face in a pillow as Carter sat beside him.

"Do you think we need to go, leave the motel?" Asher managed out between giggles as Carter left small careful kisses along his ribs.

"I doubt the roadblocks are gone, that stupid bitch..."

"That is the mother of your children, despite the fact she was an idiot she thought she was helping."

Carter grew silent, children, he missed Avery everyday and the thought of having another child out in the world made his heart ache, that was when his head popped up. "Ash."


"I just remembered, Kayla was pregnant two months before Valery was, I missed my brother becoming a father, to his first blood child."

Asher looked over Carter seeing his sadness. "Oh...yeah she was wasn't she? You miss them don't you?"

"Yes I do..but I mean I can't keep you with them. I know that...but they are my family."

"Shouldn't some of Max's kids be getting wives, or husbands soon?"

Carter closed his eyes for a moment laying his head in Asher's lap. "I think so..Iris and Avery were his oldest two, I think they were 15 and 14 when I turned twenty, so that makes them...19 and 18 now. So yes soon, unless they got them early."

"I thought they were older, no offense but all of Maxs kids were scary."

Carter snickered. "All of his fucking kids are terrifying, Max is real scary. Without Max Val wouldn't have been my girl."

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