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Carter picked Asher up and cried him towards the barn, he struggled with him a bit trying to readjust under his hold. As they entered the dark and dank builder Asher gasped at the sight before him. Valery was bound to a chair in the middle of the large decrepit barn.

Blood trickled down her faces and bruises of various stages and coloring littered her skin. Max and Blake were holding torches while Anika and Jace took turns cutting and beating the screaming women. Max looked up hearing the barn door close. "Ash, Carter?"

Anika turned quickly hearing their names. "Oh thank god you're okay." Anika yelled running towards them. She oddly pushed past Carter and Held Ahser close to her body. He shook under her hold yelping in pain Anika quickly dropped the boy. "So she did send her husband to kill you!" Anika shrieked as she lifted his top, his wound while wrapped up evident.

Asher's eyebrow coked in question. "What? N-"

Anika narrowed her eyes and turned to look over Valery who had spat blood at Jace's feet. "She told us you were likely dead, she had her fiancé, husband, whatever the hell he is looking to kill you and frame Carter if not kill him."

Carter balled up his fists as he stormed towards Valery, she was fighting the rope and sobbing. "Good thing I got to your man first then isn't it, Valery?"

Valery's Eyes rounded as she examined the blood that caked his clothes and hands. "No!"

"Bitch.. what did Asher ever do to you? He was nothing but good and kind, raised my daughter with you, he was brave enough to escape and woe me to try again."

Valery's eyes shot to Asher who was wobbling beside Anika as she fussed over his wounds. "He's weak, spent all that time away going to therapy to get over what you and his uncle had done to him only t-"

Asher's cheeks grew hot as Carter smacked Valery as hard as he possibly could across the face. "You ignorate whore. Asher is strong, so stronng. He is still standing her after all that truma after you tried to kill him and to even fucking bring up his uncle! You be raped as young as eight and watch your sister die and then live through it all again from multiple people and then be stabbed by someone you loved and trusted. You left him here valery, you did this to him."

"I gave him a choice, and he chose you! He's weak and pathetic."

Asher grasped Anika's shoulder to stay standing. Blake and max were wide eyed and waited for Asher to react, but the boy looked half dead already and about to topple over.

"I should have let Carter kill you when he first asked to." Asher managed out. "Even after everything you did I thought the kids would be better of in a normal society, but their mother is a sociopath who only cares if she survives even if everyone else suffers. You named your son after me for what? Publicity?" He began to stumble towards her each step cause pain to flare up in him. "You never told them you stabbed me, you never told them what got you out. You're just self centered, I'm glad that Carter and I are the ones that are going to raise the kids not you."

"They need a mother." Valery hissed.

"They don't need you, and not all kids need or have a mother and turn out just fine. Asher will do ten times better then you ever will be able to in raising them." Carter growled. "They don't need a mother who plan's the murder of someone who was trying to help them in a diary, plan to kill someone who cared about them."

Valery's face grew white. "Ash-."

"I found it Val, I know you wanted me dead. I sacrificed everything to try and help you only for you to leave me to die. I'll watch you burn then I'll go home and sleep well knowing you're dead. Knowing I'm the one Carter's kids will know as their parent, rather then you. Maybe I'm weak, but at least I'll be the one who lives through tonight." He crossed his arms and stepped back into Carter's frame.

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