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This ones a bit intense anyway enjoy!

Arriving at the motel was the easy part, getting inside was harder.

All Carter wanted was to get Asher somewhere to sleep, and yet all around him was TVs with the news stations on. Thankfully there were no pictures of him, but there were of Asher. He waited patiently for everyone around them to go into their own rooms before he helped Asher out of his seat and into the motel room. Quickly slamming the door Carter helped Asher onto the bed, Asher looked him over his brows furrowed. "I..I. I am sorry."

Carter turned to Asher quickly. "Why are you sorry?"

Asher looked down at his hands. "You left your family for me, you have..you have left everything behind because of me, and now you have to keep me hidden from view. I am a burden and I know it." Before Asher could look up he was pinned to the bed, his chest grew tight as anxiety surged through him. "Cater."

Carters piercing eyes didn't leave his gaze, "Never call yourself that again do you understand me?" Asher nodded trying not to struggle so much he would upset Carter but enough to get him off. Carter adjusted himself pulling him into his arms. "I will do it forever if need be, just don't you dare call yourself a burden."

Asher nodded as he laid his head against Carter, their heart beats racing. "I want to see them." Asher finally managed out through soft sobs. "I need to be with them."

Carter nodded as he rocked Asher, "I will get you there, just one more night Asher." Asher nodded, he was trying to keep himself awake. The last few nights nightmares had haunted him, waking him every hour. He yawned and cursed himself. "Ash, sleep." Asher nodded trying to come up with a way to stay awake but it wasn't long before his lids grew heavy and the soft humming coming from Carter grew almost hypnotizing. Carter didn't often sing or hum, but when he did Ashe was always quick to notice.

As soon as he finally fell asleep he was instantly struck with the feeing of terror. He looked down at himself to see he was sitting in a tub filled with hot sticky blood, floating around him were parts of skin and bone. He screamed in terror as he attempted to stand, as his chest rose out of the liquid skeletal hands dragged him under. His lungs begin to fill with water, he resurfaced after what felt like minutes of drowning. As his eyes came above the water he saw he was no longer in the tub but rather the lake he nearly drowned in.

His eyes scanned the shore, he saw the outlines of people, as he got closer to the shore he let out a gasp. The dead walked, people who he had killed or seen be killed were everywhere he turned. He swam out to the middle of the lake allowing himself to go under. As he opened his eyes once more he was sitting on a bed. He recognized it quickly and panicked. Standing he raced towards the bathroom, as he looked in the mirror a young Asher was staring back at him.

"Its your fault." The young voice said pointing behind him.

He turned and he was at the funeral home, looking down at his sisters casket. His body stiffened as he looked her over, she was in her favorite blue dress. Her hair in the familiar braids, he sobbed as he reached for her. He jumped back as her eyes opened and she sat up. "It should have been you."

His lip began to quiver, his body shook as he reached for her, the words cutting him deep but all he wanted was to hold her. She flinched away from him, that was worse than anything she could ever say. He stepped back running into a cold body. He slowly turned his hands shaking, his parents stood looking down at him with sad eyes.

Their bodies were littered in stab wounds, their throats slit.

"You did all of this." His mothers voice echoed in his ears, he saw his sister standing between them. The dead looking him over with disgust. "You are the reason we are all dead."

Asher broke, his sobbing was loud his entire body shaking, he dropped to his knees. He begged and pleaded with them, he cried harder as his family turned away from him leaving him alone beside the casket. He slowly managed to get himself on his feet, he looked into the child sized box. He lowered his head against the dark wood. As he stepped back he saw anywhere his hands had touched was covered in blood.

A voice he didn't recognize startled him. "You have blood on your hands Asher. You can never pay for your sins."

Asher screamed in agony as he felt his scars splitting, blood pooled around him, as he sunk to the floor he was once again in the bloody tub. He sat sobbing against the side of the tub, the blood caking him. He looked up to see Carter, this Carter looked angrier more hostile.

"Get up, now."

Asher moved scared, the familiar feeling of being trapped washing over him. He was suddenly pinned against the counter. He watched himself in the mirror, he heard Carters pants unzip and he realized what was happening. He turned but was quickly stopped as he was thrusted into. He cried out with each thrust. He couldn't take it anymore. With an angry cry he punched his fist through the mirror, glass shattering around him.

He took a hold of a sharp shard of glass, turning himself to slice the throat of the monster that presented itself as his fiancé. Carter reached his hand to his throat as blood gushed out.

He finally felt relief, he dropped to his knees as he took shaky breaths.

A thought entered his mind. Finally Free.

That was when he woke screaming, his body was covered in sweat and tears streaked his face. Carter was by his side in seconds. He punched wildly worried it was still a dream. Carter dodged it before pinning him down. "Whoa, whoa calm down." Asher stared at him with a blank expression. "Asher are you okay?"

"I killed you."

Carters brow furrowed, "What are you talking about?"

"In my nightmare.. I killed you.. my sister was there she said I should have died and my parents blamed me for their death..I. you raped me and..and I was in a tub filled with blood and then the lake. I saw people who were dead..walking like zombies..just watching me..and I was in..I was in my u...my." His body tensed and his sobbing began to grow louder. "I was in his house..again..I. I..I can never escape it."

Carter watched him with concern, he pulled him into his chest, "shh, hey its okay. I am here for you. I am here..don't worry. I..I am here. Are, are you okay Asher?"

Asher only shook his head, he felt conflicted, this warmth was nice, feeling like he was being protected even for a moment was enough for him. But that thought he couldn't get out of his head. What would make him finally free? 

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