Lucky | malcolm craig

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fandom | Calpurnia

character | Malcolm Craig

requested | Anonymous, @/wolfhard-tozier on tumblr, @/wukindly on tumblr

warnings | None

word count | 473

keys | None

summary | omg omg omg finally someone who writes for calpurnia bLESS THE RAINS IN AFRICA anyways oof could you write some malcom craig my BOI ugh just some fluff and since he has some bomb ass hair like cuddling and playing w his hair awh awh awh!! sorry i got carried away i'm so PUMPED FKSNFK but yeah thank you so so sO much in advance!! 💝


You sighed as you skimmed through the television channels, the bleary lights making your eyes droop. You turned to your phone and hit the power button, checking the day. June ninth. You groaned. Two more days until Malcolm comes home. Two more agonizing days. You looked back to the T.V. before slouching deeper into the couch.

With nothing better to do, you decided to watch reruns of Friends. You laid down, propping your feet on the couch. You watched as Joey sat at the table, completely nude from playing strip poker. You laughed as you recognized this episode. The One at the Beach. You pulled your blanket around your arms, snuggling into the couch and getting comfortable.

There was a knock at your bedroom door and you groaned. Just as I'm getting comfy, of course! you thought. You tore the blanket off your body with a sour expression, ready to yell at whoever interrupted your peace. You opened the door but as you went to open your mouth, a familiar smile met your eyes.

"Malcolm!" You yelled, throwing yourself into his arms. He laughed quietly before hugging back.

"Great to see you too love." He said, placing a kiss on the top of your head.

"I thought you weren't coming home til' tomorrow?" You asked, pulling away slightly.

"Well, I'll leave if that's what you want." He replied, pulling away and grabbing the doorknob. Your eyes widened as you grabbed his hand.

"What? No no no! I missed you, I'm just surprised is all." You said with a laugh, pulling him in for another hug.

"Good, cause I convinced them to let me home early just so I could see you. Now, can we lay down? Jet lag is killing me."

>> timeskip <<

You yawned as the sun began to set, the pretty oranges and purples flooding your bedroom floor. You looked down at the tired Malcolm laying on your lap. You couldn't help but smile. His glasses were slightly askew and his eyelids were drooping closed. You ran your fingers throw his thick curls, causing him to look at you.

"What are you doing?" He asked quietly.

"Playing with your amazing hair." You replied, leaning down and pressing a kiss to his nose. He smiled.

"Well guess what?" He asked

"What?" You replied.

"My hair is nowhere near as amazing as you." He whispered, his eyes never leaving yours. You smiled before shaking your head and laughing.

"God, you're so corny." You said with a laugh, continuing to run your fingers through his curls.

"What? It's true!" He exclaimed. You shook your head, the smile never leaving your face. He stared at you for a few minutes before grabbing your free hand and entwined his fingers with yours.

"Really though, how did I get so lucky? To end up with someone like you, I mean." He said. You gently pressed your lips to his.

"I could say the same thing."

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