Coffee Addict | richie tozier

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>> gif credit to @/itadakimasu-letmeeaton tumblr <<

fandom | It: Chapter One

character | (16) Richie Tozier

requested | No, @/wolfhard-tozier​ on tumblr, @/wukindly​ on tumblr

warnings | mild swearing

word count | 1,563

keys | (Y/n) = Your name

au | Coffeeshop

summary | Richie is a regular at a coffee shop where the cute barista keeps misspelling his name. But it's been too long and he doesn't know how to tell you without it being awkward.

editor | @/feliscatus-exe on tumblr


Richie yawned as he pushed on the handle, hearing the soft ding of the bell sinched at the top of the doorframe. The sound was always a comfort and had brought a feeling of safety. He inhaled the smell of freshly ground coffee beans and smiled. That scent never failed to make his eyes roll into the back of his head.

Richie was somewhat of a coffee addict. When the months were cold he'd sit down and have a nice piping cup of joe and when the months were hot he'd have a tall glass of iced coffee. His friends would always harp on him about how that much coffee had to be unhealthy and although he knew it probably was, he just couldn't stop.

Every day he'd wake up an hour early so he could grab a cup before he started class, and after school, he'd sit down and drink a cup at the cafe as well. He might even splurge and buy a muffin or a cookie. A croissant if he was feeling extra fancy.

Today was a day like every other. Or, at least, that's what he thought. He walked to the ordering counter but instead of seeing the barista he's grown acquainted with, he saw you. You gave a classic customer service smile to which he returned, only slightly less enthusiastically.

"Hello, how may I take your order?" You asked.

"Hi, just a large to-go cup of coffee with four creamers and four sugars." He replied. You nodded, pressing the corresponding buttons on the cash register.

"And the name?" You asked. He had gotten so used to everyone in the shop already knowing him that he forgot to tell you.

"Richie." He replied. You nodded.

"Okay, your total is-" You were cut off to see the exact amount of money already being handed to you. You raised your eyebrows, to which he simply shrugged.

"I come here a lot." He said. You laughed quietly before nodding. You put the money in the register and handed him the receipt shortly after. He walked along the counter and waited by the pick-up section. You too walked along the counter, but on the other side so you could make his coffee.

"So you're new here?" Richie asked. You frowned.

"That obvious?"You responded. He laughed.

"No, not at all. But like I said before, I come here a lot. Like... a lot." He replied.

"Define a lot." You said as you poured the coffee into a cup.

"Twice a day, at least. Five times a day at most." He replied. Your eyes widened and you stopped what you were doing.

"You're joking." You said. He couldn't help but laugh as he shook his head.

"Nope. Honest to God." He replied. You looked down and grabbed the creamer and sugar, shocked that someone drank that much coffee. You shook your head while mixing in his sweeteners and making sure everything was combined. Once you finished, you grabbed a lid and secured it. Then you grabbed a marker and wrote his name across the sleeve that prevented you from getting burned. You slid it over the counter and smiled at him, but this time it was genuine.

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