Everybody Talks | richie tozier

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>> gif credit to @/arcticbandguy-archive on tumblr <<

fandom | It: Chapter One

character | (18) Richie Tozier

requested | Anonymous, @/wolfhard-tozier on tumblr, @/wukindly on tumblr, @/beepbeeprichtozier on tumblr

warnings | Underage drinking, mentions of off-screen sex, mentions of drugs, cursing, slightly angsty

word count | 2,574

keys | (Y/n) = Your name, (M/f/n) = Male friend's name, (g/n) = guardian's noun (mom, dad, grandma...etc), (s/h/t) = she, he, or they, (L/n) = Last name, (B/f/n) = Best friend's name, (h/h/t) = her, his, or their

song | Everybody Talks - Neon Trees

summary | can you do a richie x reader with the song everybody talks by neon trees? thanks


Hey baby won't you look my way

I can be your new addiction


Richie Tozier had been trying to get your attention for God knows how many years. He had known you since kindergarten and had been infatuated with you since the third grade. His crush was obvious to his three friends but otherwise, he kept it well hidden. Years passed, and three more people became his close friends in the eighth grade. One moved, and one was homeschooled, so it was mostly limited to five people who teased him about it.

And then high school came around. Ah, high school. The four years of parties, alcohol, drugs, and sex. Richie was a "troubled teen" in the eyes of adults, but he was doing just fine when he looked at himself in the mirror. The parties weren't necessarily a bad thing. The alcohol, sure, it was illegal and gave him horrible hangovers but he wasn't hurting anyone. Drugs were a bit of an overstatement. He didn't do anything hardcore. Just pot and the very occasional ecstasy, and cigarettes if you count that as drugs.

The sex though. The sex is surprisingly the one thing that actually fucked him up. Sex was his way to cope if you will. Sex distracted him. It distracted him from his parents, from school, from you. And even then, it was never enough. Today had been a horrible day for him. He saw you hanging out with (M/f/n). You were always hanging out with (M/f/n) but today seemed different. He didn't know how or why he just knew it was.

So, he called some friends. He found a party. He drank his sorrows away and he smoked his joints. The music was loud and there was just one thing he was missing. Sex. He needed it. He craved it. And while your body was the only one that would truly satisfy him, he knew he could not have it. So he would settle for the pretty boy who was standing a few feet away from him.


Hey, baby what you gotta say?

All you're giving me is fiction


"Excuse me, mister?" Richie slurred out quietly. He looked over his shoulder and laughed quietly.

"Well hello there. How can I help you, sir?" He asked. Richie blinked, attempting to focus his face but the alcohol was just messing with his brain. He smiled.

"I couldn't help but notice how stunning you looked tonight. Do you have a name?" He asked. He laughed.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" He replied. Richie laughed.

"Well if you won't tell me your name, I guess I'll just have to call you mine." He whispered. He gave a laugh that was sweeter than sugar. One that seemed to make his entire body yearn to hear it as much as humanly possible.

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