Cigarette Stealer | richie tozier

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>> gif credit to @/lonellytown on tumblr <<

fandom | It: Chapter One

character | Richie Tozier

requested | @/captainelsaeverdeen​ on tumblr, @/wolfhard-tozier on tumblr​, @/wukindly​ on tumblr, @/beepbeeprichtozier​ on tumblr

warnings | Mild swearing

word count | 1,289

keys | (Y/n) = Your name

summary | Yeah! I was thinking, could you do a young Richie imagine, where he keeps stealing cigarettes from reader's locker, but he doesn't know that they belong to his long time crush, and reader goes super mad, because they don't know who crashed the code to their locker? Sorry if it's sounds complicated haha

editor | @/feliscatus-exe on tumblr


Richie poked his head around the corner, scanning the halls to make sure no one was loitering. He had no room to judge, and he wasn't, he just couldn't do what he needed to if there were too many prying eyes. Once he determined no one was out, he began to walk down, Beverly following close behind him.

"What are you doing dipshit?" She asked. Richie looked over his shoulder and gave her the evil eye.

"Be quiet, and trust me." He whispered. Beverly rolled her eyes, making no effort to do either. He walked down the hall for a few more seconds before he stopped in front of a locker. Beverly had been friends with him long enough to know it didn't belong to him. She watched as he grabbed the padlock, but he covered it when he started moving the dial, purposefully hiding it from her vision.

"Don't want you stealing my goods." He said. She scoffed.

"Your goods?" She asked. He shot her a glare before there was a faint click. He smiled and opened the door. He stuck his arm in and rummaged around for a bit before pulling out two packs of Marlboro Reds, one still sealed.

"And viola." He remarked confidently, slamming the locker a little harder than he intended to. He winced at the loud noise echoing through the halls.

"Way to go, moron," Beverly said.

Richie rolled his eyes before starting to walk towards the school's back entrance, Beverly following behind only due to the ruse of cigarettes. They pushed open the doors and walked to a small section tucked away behind a collapsing brick wall. No one ever checked there so it became a regular spot for a smoke break.

Richie stuffed the still sealed pack in his back pocket and began to smack the bottom of the opened one on the palm of his hand. After repeating this with each of the sides, he pulled two out, one for each of them. Beverly grabbed her lighter and after a few flicks, she was finally able to ignite them. She placed hers between her lips and Richie did the same.

"I think you're due for a new lighter," Richie said as he blew the smoke out of his mouth. Beverley nodded.

"Yeah, I have been for a while. I think I'll grab one on my way home from school." She replied. Richie chuckled.

"Using your charm on Mr. Keene again I suppose?" He asked. Beverly laughed as well.

"Hey, if you've got it, flaunt it." She said with a smile.

"Speaking of what you've got though, how did you get this shit?" She asked. Richie raised his eyebrows in question.

"Like, the cigarettes?" He asked. She shrugged, taking another puff.

"More like the code for someone else's locker." She replied. Richie hummed.

"I was walking to the bathroom and saw this dude opening his locker. Dumbass couldn't even remember the code to his locker so he had to write it down. He ended up dropping it and of course, I picked it up." He said, finishing up the last of his cigarette. He squashed it onto the top of the wall to put it out before flicking it into the dirt. Beverly did the same.

"And so now you just steal cigarettes from him?" She asked. Richie nodded.


"Well let's hope he never finds out."

>> timeskip <<

"Damn it!" You shouted, tossing your sweater down in your locker. Once again, you had been craving a cigarette, and once again you found that they had been stolen right from your locker.

This had been going on for about a month. You'd buy a pack or two, smoke maybe four at most, stash them in your locker, and then they'd turn up missing the next day. You raked your mind for people who could be doing it. There was only one person who knew your code, and he didn't smoke.

It was starting to become such a pain in the ass that you were tempted to go to the principal for a lock change. You knew that wasn't likely to work though. You'd have to give him a reason on why and it's not like you could just say "Oh you know, someone's stealing my cigarettes". That would definitely go over well.

You had to do something though. You were losing four bucks almost daily and some prick was smoking your cigarettes. You had thought it over in your head, trying to find some plan of action. Some way to keep it from happening again. And it wasn't too hard to think of something.

The culprit was a bit stupid. Your packs always went missing during fourth period, and your locker was almost exactly in front of the bathroom. All you had to do was buy a new pack, stash it, duck out of fourth period the next day, and hide in the bathroom to catch them red-handed. You could only hope they'd strike sooner rather than later though because this was becoming tiring.

>> timeskip <<

Richie yawned as he picked up the padlock, mindlessly inputting the code. He had become so accustomed to breaking into this locker that it almost felt like his own. Once he heard the click he smiled and pulled it open, searching for what he wanted. He lifted the sweater inside and found an unopened pack.

"Jackpot. Not usually untouched but I am not complaining." He said to himself.

"Wel that makes one of us," You said, crossing your arms. Richie whipped around, recognizing the voice of his long-time crush anywhere.

"(Y/n)? What do you- What do you mean?" He asked. You scoffed.

"What? You're telling me you don't even care to know who you're stealing from? That's my locker and those are my cigarettes, asshole." You replied. Richie looked at the locker, then at you, before shaking his head.

"Oh no, it can't be. I saw some dude opening it. And I'm pretty sure he wasn't you. That's how I got the code." He said.

"Well if you're so sure it wasn't me then why don't you explain yourself?" You asked. Richie's cheeks flushed and he began to stammer.

"I-It was like a month ago and it was written down on a piece of paper a-and he dropped it," Richie answered. You furrowed your eyebrows, trying to think of what on Earth he could be talking about. And then it dawned on you. One day, you stayed home sick and needed your books, so you gave your friend the code. That must have been who he'd seen. You closed your eyes and massaged your temples, knowing this would be the cause of a nasty headache.

"Either way. It's still my locker and that's still my pack. And I might need the whole thing after this bullshit." You said, ushering to what he was holding in his hand. Richie looked down before an idea sparked. He tore open the plastic, beat it on his palm, and opened it, holding it out to you.

"Need one?" He asked. You couldn't help but laugh.

"Wow. Offering me my own cigarettes." You said, grabbing one and turning away, starting to walk down the hall. You heard his footsteps behind you and rolled your eyes.

"I don't think I asked you to join me." You said. Richie smiled.

"Don't you need a lighter?" He asked. You shook your head.

"You've got balls kid." You said.

"I'm no kid, and my balls can attest to that. The name's Richie." He said. You opened the door that led to the back of the school.

"Richie, kid, whatever. You're just a bastard cigarette stealer all the same. Now give me a light."

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