Finn Wolfhard Long Distance Dating an Australian Writer | finn wolfhard

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>> gif found on her campus <<

fandom | Calpurnia

character | Finn Wolfhard

reader | (Australian) ((Writer))

requested | Anonymous, @/wolfhard-tozier on tumblr, @/wukindly on tumblr

warnings | None

word count | 418

keys | None

summary | Hey, could I request a headcanon with Finn Wolfhard hc about a long distance relationship. Where the reader is a writer from Australia? thank you!

editor | @/feliscatus-exe on tumblr


•Finn was a sucker for good writing

•He loved reading the scripts for his new projects

•Because they were always so good

•So whenever he came across good writing

•He was excited

•He first came across your writing on a blog he had long forgotten by now

•It was the beginning of a novel you were working on

•He remembered asking you in the comment section

•"Yo this is seriously amazing, what's this for?"

•But of course, you weren't aware that it was Finn Wolfhard

•But even thinking it was some random person

•It made you really happy

•Cause like

•Someone complimented your writing

•And that would make anyone happy

•So you replied to the comment

•Something along the lines of

•"Thank you sm, it's not for anything, in particular, I just love writing"

•And that's where things really started

•You talked for a bit in the comment section

•And then it escalated to direct messaging each other

•You got along so well with each other

•Sharing the same jokes and talking about the same things

•And you could talk about anything

•His favorite thing to do though was listen

•Especially when you talked about your home town in Australia

•And he loved your accent as well

•His next favorite thing though was reading the things you wrote

•No matter what it was

•After a while

•Finn felt you had a right to know who you were really talking to

•He was worried about how you were gonna react

•But he couldn't keep it from you much longer

•So when he told you he was shocked that you took it so well

•You freaked out a little

•And you didn't believe him

•So you face timed him

•And found out he really was Finn Wolfhard

•And you were shocked

•It took you a minute to compose yourself

•But after a bit you were fine

•And you didn't treat him any different than before

•Which is when he first started to fall

•As the months passed he found himself getting more and more eager to talk

•He'd stay up late hours just to have longer conversations

•And after a year of being friends

•He finally decided to ask you

•And of course, you said yes

•Your relationship with him was amazing

•Everything about it


•Almost everything

•The one thing that sucked was the distance

•But you managed

•Face time calls

•Texting 24/7

•You had so much love for each other

•That distance was no match

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