2 weeks Later

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Hey everyone sorry it's been a while since I've updated, I haven't abandoned the story. I've just been stuck for inspiration and dealing with writers block but I'm working through it. If you have any ideas for the future of the story going forward please feel free to let me know. Anyway onto the story xxx

Warning contains swearing...

Over on the isle....

No one's pov

"The events at the coronation were truly shocking, evil was thwarted. The Evil Queen is in custody and is being dealt with as we speak while Maleficent appeared to have shrunk into a tiny lizard. Despite the victory there is tragedy in Auradon as the villain kid Evie who bravely stood up to the Maleficent and Evil Queen and tried to convince her friends that they could be good got blasted by Maleficent's sceptre and the magic wand by the hands of Maleficent herself, Evie is now reportedly in a coma and Fairy godmother and doctors are doing all they can to help her" Snow White spoke on the tv as she reported the days events and everyone on the isle was watching.

Everyone on the Isle had watched the coronation and they watched everything unfold, Mal, Jay and Carlos appearing after Jane snatched the wand from her mother, Evie appearing trying to convince them not to do as their parents asked, Evie standing up to Maleficent and Evil Queen the woman she along with everyone else had believed to be her mother, how Maleficent blasted Evie with her sceptre and the magic wand and how the remaining three villain kids defeated Maleficent.

Everyone on the isle were in complete shock over the events, needless to say they weren't expecting for anything to happen like it did. The villains were furious about the villain kids turning sides and betraying them well most of the adult villains at least but the majority of the villains both young and old were worried for the blue haired princess who somehow left an impact on those who she encountered while on the isle.

The young generation of the people on the isle felt inspired by Evie's strength to stand up to Maleficent and Evil Queen the way she did. The little kids especially girls admired her and strove to be brave and strong like she was.

However while the isle were revelling in the shock of the events that occured in Auradon and feeling concern and sympathy for Evie. They were also now curious as to who Evie's real parents are not that it was revealed that Evil Queen was not actually her mother.

Harry Hook on the other hand was not taking any of it too well, he had been watching like everyone else when Maleficent blasted Evie with magic from her sceptre and fairy godmother's wand. His heart dropped as he watched Evie fall lifelessly to the floor and remain still as the others fought Maleficent.

The tv had cut halfway into the fight between Mal, Jay, Carlos and Maleficent but they knew from the news that Maleficent had been defeated. The second the screen had cut, Harry bolted for his room, swiping a bottle of whiskey on his way.

Once in his room he started smashing things and throwing things at the wall as he yelled in anguish not caring if anyone heard him. After he was done smashing and throwing things, he just sank to the floor and started downing the bottle of whiskey he had swiped.

"Harry stop this!" Uma snapped as she barged into the room "leave me be Uma" Harry replied not even looking at her as she shut the door and came to kneel down before him. "Harry" Uma said "she's in a coma Uma" Harry said as a trickled down his cheek "I know, we all heard the news Harry" Uma replied "I want to go see her and be there with her but I can't because I'm trapped here in this shit hole" Harry said as he brought the whiskey bottle to his lips and tilted his head back as he took a sip.

"I know you do and it sucks you can't go there but you can't let this affect you. We're villains Harry, you can't be showing emotion and getting upset and angry. We must be at our best for when the time comes for us to get our turn because it will happen and when it does we will get out of here and we will rule over Auradon" Uma said but Harry shook his head.

Life of Evie (Disney Descendants) (On hold)Where stories live. Discover now