Being Moved

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Here's a another chapter, I hope you like it.

Continues from previous chapter...

Later that day after school is finished..

Evie's pov

Okay so me and Evan were currently being moved into the private dorms with Ben assisting us since we don't know where the private dorms and so he can keep us safe in case anybody sees us.

Mal, Jay and Carlos will be moving into the dorms tomorrow since Ben only managed to get a large double room ready for me and Evan. He also apparently had a room changed into a playroom for Evan in just a couple of hours which is pretty impressive yet sweet that he's done that for Evan.

Ben is having separate rooms sorted for each of my friends since the rooms at the private dorms are apparently pretty big so he said we can just have our own bed rooms except for Evan who will be rooming with me since he won't like sleeping alone in a room when he's always slept in a room with me.

"Come on Evan. We're going to our new room" I say holding his hand as we walk from the main dorm building and across the lawn, heading in the direction of the castle since the private dorms are not far from the castle. "Yay, new room!" Evan cheers happily sticking his little tongue out as he jumps making me laugh. Ben chuckles "I also have a little surprise for you" he says making Evan look at me "what is it?" he asks giddly jumping up and down "I can't tell you buddy. You're going to have to wait until we get to the dorm" Ben replied "okay" Evan replies letting go of my hand and skipping forward, clapping his hands as a bright smile takes up his face "surprise, surprise, what will I find?" he chants excitedly jumping up and down on his feet making me and Ben laugh. "Geez how much sugar have you had today?" I ask with a giggle "just a wittle bit" Evan replies showing me two fingers and holding them close together so there's only a slight gap between them "well I think you had just a little bit too much" I respond making him grin "no" he replies "yes" I respond before taking his hand so he doesn't run off.
5 minutes later..
"Are we there yet?" Evan asks impatient so I turn to Ben "yes, we are. Now let's show you to your room" Ben replied as we arrive in front of a large building that looks like the regular dorms. Ben gestures us to follow him as he walks towards the building.

He pulls out a key and unlocks the door before opening it. "After you" he said moving aside to let us through first. "Thank you Ben" I reply as we walk through the door. Ben walks in after us and shuts the door behind him.

"Okay so your room is a connected one. So you will sleep in one room and Evan will sleep in the other" Ben said making me frown "wait, Evan's going to sleep alone in a room. Ben he doesn't like sleeping alone, he never has done. He's always slept in the same room as me" I say "I understand that and his room isn't far from yours. You have a connected room, so when you walk through the door, there's your room but then there are two doors. One of those doors leads to the bathroom and the other door leads to the connected room which is Evan's and you can always keep the door open if it makes you both feel more comfortable" he explains making nod "okay, that doesn't sound too bad" I respond as we walk up a flight of stairs. "Mommy can you carry me?" Evan asks "sure baby" I respond bending down slightly to pick him up. I look at Ben who has a look of shock on his voice "what?" I ask confused "he calls you mommy" he says "oh yeah, sometimes he does call me mommy" I respond as I adjust Evan in my arms. "I hope that's not a problem" I retort "oh no, of course not. Its understandable why he calls you mommy. You have raised him since he was a baby so you basically are his mother" Ben responds "and I'm a very proud mother" I respond as I stroke the back of Evan's head since he's got his head buried in the crook of my neck. "Why don't you just adopt him?" Ben asks "why would I do that if I've raised him since he was a baby?" I ask "so you have full legal rights over him. You already are Evan's mother in his eyes and surely your friends so why not and it will avoid any hostile action coming from Snow White" Ben explains making me narrow my eyes. "Come again? Hostile action from Snow White. What do you mean by that?" I ask protectively tightening my hold on Evan as we keep walking up the stairs. Yes there are a lot of stairs "I'm not saying it will happen but what if Snow has mixed feelings about there being another offspring of Grimhilde. She may react negatively to the fact he's being raised by you and want to adopt him" Ben explains making me growl. "She cannot have him. He's my baby, she has her own stuck up brat. I won't let her take Evan away" I respond "I know and I will ensure it won't happen but just in case I would adopt him officially and get full custody of him officially" Ben advises "how do I do that if I'm supposed to keep his presence a secret for his own safety?" I ask "don't you worry about that. I will sort it out before anyone will know about Evan. I have access to the courts so I can give you full adoption and full custody of him asap" Ben explains as we finally reach my room. "Okay, I trust you" I respond "I know and I promise your trust in me isn't misguided" he replies before unlocking the door.

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