Doug's apology

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Two days later.....Tuesday...

Evie's pov

School was finished for the day so I was taking Evan out to get some fresh air plus he wanted to go and see the ducks so that's where we're going now. Of course I'll have to be careful as I don't want to get wet and end up turning into a mermaid, I can't have people finding out about that not when everyone's still anxious about what happened on family day.

"Ducks!" Evan squeals letting go of my hand and running over to the pond "Evan be careful!" I call after him smiling as he stops running as he reaches the pond.

I job over to him "they're so cute" he says holding his hand out try to and pet one "Evan don't stand so close to the edge. You can't swim" I say gently pulling him back "sorry" he apologizes "it's okay, just stay 2 metres away from the pond so you don't fall in okay?" I say kneeling down so I'm at his height.

"Okay" he replies before plonking himself down on the floor and he watches the ducks peacefully swim by. "Ah a baby!" he squeals pointing at a duckling making me giggle as I sit myself down "yes that is a baby. Do you know what a baby duck is called?" I ask making him look at me "no, what?" he asks playing with his fingers "a baby duck is called a duckling" I say "ahh" he says making me giggle at his reaction. He's just so cute and I love how innocent he is. I wish he would just stay that way but I know he will grow up, it's just part of life.

I hear footsteps approaching behind us but I pay no attention until someone clears their throat making me look back and my eyes widen as I see Doug standing there with his hands in his pockets. I quickly stand up, fixing my hair "hi Doug, what are you doing here?" I ask and he nervously shuffles his feet "I came to get a bit of fresh air and I saw you were out here so I thought I'd come and say hi" he explains avoiding my stare.

"Are you allowed to do that?" I ask making him frown "yeah, why?" he asks "well your cousins don't like me and you made it pretty clear on Sunday who's side you're on" I respond sounding a bit snappy but I can't help it. It hurt that he just walked away and ignored me.

Doug looks down at the ground "I'm sorry about that. I just didn't know what to do" he says running a hand through his hair. "It all happened so fast" he adds "I know but I thought we were friends and I thought you liked me" I respond "I know and I do like you. I was just confused, I'm sorry for walking away and ignoring you" he replies "well I accept your apology but it doesn't mean I forgive you. I have trouble trusting people and as soon as I started to like you and even trust you, you let me down" I respond making him sigh "that's fair" he replies "mommy" Evan whines tugging at my skirt making me look away from Doug.

"What is it?" I ask "I think that ducky is hurt" he says pointing to the lake where there's a duck flapping around frantically. "Oh no he's stuck" I say "we have to help him" Evan says "I'll get him" Doug speaks up kicking off his shoes and rolling up his pants and the sleeves of his shirt before jumping into the pond.

The pond is a bit deeper than expected so it comes up to Doug's waist as he paddles through, making his way over to the duck.

Evan clings onto my leg, gripping my hand "it's okay Evan. He's going to rescue the duck" I say softly running a hand through his hair.

I watch as Doug untangles the duck that had gotten itself tangled up amongst rubbish and a net. What the hell is a net doing in the pond and why is there rubbish? "Disgusting" Doug says throwing the net onto the bank before releasing the duck and letting it paddle away.

"Yay!" Evan squeals clapping his hands and jumping up and down making me giggle. "See baby the ducks okay now" I say as Doug makes his way back over and climbs out of the pond. I make sure to step back to avoid getting wet.

"Crisis solved, the duck has been freed" he says running a hand through his hair "yeah, you did good there" I say "thanks" he replies "someone should really do something about that rubbish. It's bad for wildlife" I say "yeah, I'm going to report the issue to Ben because we've never had this problem before and whoever that net belonged too, is in deep trouble because fishing in this pond is not permitted and nets are forbidden" he replies "well good luck with that" I respond picking up Evan and turning to leave.

"Evie wait!" he calls after me reaching out to touch me but because he's wet, I make sure to dodge his touch "what?" I ask turning to face him "I hope you know I'm sorry really about Sunday and I'm sorry I was a bad friend. I hope you know I don't hate you nor do I judge you for bringing your brother here" he says I look into his eyes and I know he's telling the truth. "Thank you Doug, that means a lot" I respond "well I mean it" he replies "that's good to know. Well I'll see you tomorrow" I say giving him a wave before walking away, feeling his eyes on me.

End of chapter.

I know it was a little short but I hope you liked it. What will happen next?

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Life of Evie (Disney Descendants) (On hold)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora