Evie's mindscape

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Hey everyone, I'm sorry it's taken so long for me to update, I was really struggling with lack of inspiration and dealing with writers block. I know you've all been very patient bless you all, I appreciate your patience, now I hope you like this chapter and I hope to get back to working on the story xxx

Evie's pov

It was so weird one minute I was floating in darkness, I couldn't see nor hear anything around mem I couldn't even see my own hands. I wasn't falling. I was just floating, my body seemingly drifting in this darkness when suddenly the quietness that I had become accustomed to was disrupted by a terrifying screech followed by whispering which got louder until it was no longer considered whispering as the voices became more audible.

I felt my body suddenly drop making me scream until I feel my feet hit the ground but I couldn't see anything but black. The voices were still ongoing and they were getting louder and more intense causing me to press my hands to my ears as there were different voices and they were all speaking at once so I couldn't make out what the voices were saying or who they belonged too.

"Stop. Stop it!" I say as the voices grower louder "stop it!" I yell but the voices just continue and increase in sound and even seem to multiply so I start grasping at my hair before falling to my knees as the voices become too much and I scream "PLEASE STOP!" I scream before everything blurs around me and I feel myself fall and my eyes close as I hit the ground.

What feels like not even a moment later, my eyes snap open and I blink at the brightness that hits me. I shield my eyes from the brightness as I blink to adjust to the sudden brightness around me. I put my hand down which I used to shield my eyes from the brightness.

My eyes widen at the new change in my surroundings, instead of being pitch black it is now pure white all around me. It's so clear and bright, not even a speck of black or any other colour.

I push myself to stand up and I frown as I see I'm wearing a silk white dress that hugs my curves and flows rather nicely, it's so simple. I look down and see I'm barefoot "pretty sure I wasn't wearing this before" I mutter to myself as I was sure I hadn't been wearing this dress when I was floating in darkness.

I look behind me and see a mirror standing there but it has a black cover over it to shield the mirror. I walk closer to it and hesitate before removing the cover and I gasp at my reflection in the mirror, my hair is silvery white with light blue tints in it and my eyes are a crystal blue colour and not brown like my actual ones.

I bring my hands to my hair, watching as my reflection in the mirror does the same "what is happening?" I ask myself I watch my reflection's lips move as I speak the words. A sudden chilly breeze rushes past me making me shiver and wrap my arms around myself, rubbing at my arms as I look around but see nothing.

I look back and frown as I find the mirror has disappeared, another chilly breeze rushes past me before I hear a rumbling sound so I look up and see what looks like grey clouds appearing "why are clouds appearing here? What is going on?" I ask myself before rumbling comes from the clouds before rain starts pouring from the clouds getting all over me.

"Oh no" I mumble before falling as I feel myself transform into my mermaid form however the second I meet the floor, I suddenly find myself under water so I swim up to the surface, gasping as I emerge and see my whole surroundings is water, like the ocean with a bright blue sky and a bright warm sun shining above it.

I look around and see no sign of land, I'm just in the middle of nowhere, I don't even think I'm anywhere, not physically at least. This all has to be a figure of my imagination but why all of this? Is there some meaning behind all this that I'm experiencing? Or is just part of whatever Maleficent did to me when she used her scepter and the magic wand on me.

I look up at the sky, blinking as the sun gets in my eyes "it all feels so real" I say as I cup some water in my hands and look at my reflection and I frown as I see my hair is blue again and not white like it was before. I still don't understand why that happened, maybe it was because I was in a field of white or something I don't know.

I release the water from my hands before diving under the water and swimming ahead until I reemerge however everything changes again as I find I'm at a shore where an island is. I stand up my mermaid tail disappearing as I begin to walk towards the shore, I look to see I'm back to wearing that silk white dress.

My feet meet the soft sand of the island's beach, the sand is almost white and it's so soft beneath my feet. I bend down and scoop some up, feeling it between my fingers as I release it from my hand.

I stand up and look around at the island, it looks massive. I could get lost here but I think I have to go further, I need to explore this island. Maybe all I'm seeing are clues, clues for what? I don't really know but I know I must keep going to find out.

Suddenly a path of blue foot prints appear before me and they seem to head in a direction. I bring one foot forward and place it on a footprint which disappears upon putting my foot on it "I think I'm to follow these footprints" I say to myself before sighing "I suppose it couldn't be worse" I say as I begin to follow the path of footprints which lead a way to the forest of the island, maybe it's a safe short cut or something. I don't know why I'm questioning things when this is all clearly happening in my head.

To be continued

What do you think is going on with Evie? Is this a result of what Maleficent did to her or is it something else? What else will she experience? Stay tuned for more and don't forget to vote and comment

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