First Attempt

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So this chapter will take place after Doug's shown them around. I figured writing about the core four being shown around might be a little boring so I skip that part

Evie's pov

After Doug showed us around Mal followed the boys to their room while I headed to our room to get Evan. "hey Evie" I look behind me to see Doug walking over to me "oh hey Doug it's nice to see you again" I say smiling as he stands next to me "you too" he says "so why are you heading in the direction of the girls dorm rooms I thought you had to go see Prince Ben?" I ask "oh I did only to let him know that I've shown you around and that you're all settling in well" he says I nod. "okay may I ask why you were the only one to show us around? Not that it's a problem I just figured there would be another person to show us around?" I ask I notice Doug fidget slightly "everyone was really busy" he says but I know he's lying "you can say it you know I'm not gonna bite your head off" I say "I don't know what you're talking about" he says "come on not everyone was busy they just didn't want to show around the villain kids" I say "I'm sorry if that has offended you" he says "no it's okay I didn't really expect people to be happy about our arrival they don't trust us because of our parents and that's okay" I say honestly "did you offer to show us around or did you do it because the Prince asked you?" I ask curiously "I'm part of the welcoming committee and its part of my responsibility to welcome new kids including those from other places" he says "Prince Ben asked you in other words" I say "yeah kind of but please don't take it as an offense I'm just really shy and maybe a little intimidated by you and the others" he says "that's okay I'm not offended" I say giving him a smile as we near my dorm room. "so I guess I'll see you around?" I say he nods "yeah we have chemistry together tomorrow" he says "that's great I love chemistry" I say a bit too happily "you do?" he asks "yeah it's one of my favourite subjects but don't tell anyone that it makes me seem like a dork" I say "well you're a very pretty dork" he says I feel my cheeks heat up "oh thank you" I say feeling shy all of a sudden. "well I'll see you tomorrow Doug bye" I say entering my room and shutting the door behind me.

"Evie you're back" Evan says running over to me and I scoop him up into my arms and spin him around causing him to laugh. "yeah I am" I say placing him down "where's Mal?" he asks looking around for my purple haired friend "she's with the boys who we're going to see now" I say "will they play hide and seek with me?" he asks I give him a sad smile "Evan you know hide and seek isn't exactly safe" I say "I know but it's safe to play here right?" he asks "it's a bit complicated baby" I say "how?" he asks looking at me with curious eyes "this is a new place Evan I don't want you getting lost" I say "what if we play hide and seek in their room?" he asks "I don't know Evan" I say "please pretty please" he says giving me puppy eyes causing a giggle to erupt from my lips "we'll see" I say gently tapping his nose "okay" he says I smile ruffling up his hair a bit.

I grab his hoodie and help him put it on "okay let's go" I say picking up pulling the hood over his head. I open the door and look both ways before stepping out the room, I close the door behind me and lock it then head to the boys dorm room.

I don't knock when I arrive I just open the door and walk in shutting the door behind me. "about time what took you so long?" Mal asks looking annoyed "I was getting Evan you know I can't leave him alone for long" I say a bit annoyed myself doesn't she understand that Evan is a child and he shouldn't have to be left alone for ages. "he's going to slow us down" she says with her hands on her hips "no he won't I'm going to keep hold of him the entire time" I say "fine but if things go wrong and we get caught because of him you'll have my mother to answer too" she says I grow angry at her words "let's not fight Mal don't worry we'll get that wand" Carlos says as I glare at her. "we better now let's go" she says "don't you need a plan first?" I ask "we already do the wand is in the museum and we're going to go there and take it" she says "it can't be that easy to just take it? There must be some sort of security system put in order to prevent anyone from simply picking it up and taking it" I say "I doubt it this is Auradon we're talking about the land of all good I don't think Auradon's ever had a thief so let's go get that wand" she says glaring at me before stomping out the door.

I trial behind the others holding Evan as we near the museum. I see Carlos suddenly stop and he waits until I've caught up with him "hey are you alright?" he asks concerned "yeah I just don't know what's gotten into Mal she's never gotten like that especially when it comes to Evan" I say "I just think she's a bit carried away with this whole mission to get the wand and release the villains thing she just wants to make her mother proud" he says "I understand that we all do but her being like that reminds me of before we were best friends it reminds me of when she hated me" I say "don't let it get to you" he says "I won't" I say giving him a smile, he's a good friend.

We break into the museum after Mal manages to put the guard asleep and start searching for the wand. I make a turn and stand frozen as I see statues of our parents "mother" I whisper eyeing the statue shivers run up my spine as her piercing cold eyes look right at me "mommy?" Evan whispers finally eyeing the statue "she looks scary and really mean like always" he says I can't help but giggle at his words "why yes mommy is scary and mean" I say kissing his forehead.

Jay suddenly claps his hands startling us "well the wands not here let's bounce" he says with a small smile before leaving the room and Carlos follows after him. I start heading out when I notice Mal is still staring at the statue of her mother "Mal come on let's go" I say "you go right ahead I'll be right with you" she says "okay" I say glancing at her for a moment before leaving the room.

"what's taking Mal so long?" Jay asks "she said she'd be right with us" I say "I think she got a little freaked out at seeing her mothers statue" Carlos says "can't blame her Maleficent is one scary woman she might be a bit loony in the head but she's scary and evil" Jay says "that's right she is Jay and that's why we must succeed in this mission otherwise she'll have our heads" Mal says appearing from around the corner "the heads thing is the Queen of Hearts thing" Carlos says "it's also Quincy's thing too" I say crinkling my nose in disgust at the name Queen of Hearts son is so hot headed and so boring he doesn't have one funny bone in his body plus he had an obsession over me which was sweet at first but then it just got creepy. "I don't care its not the point if we don't get this wand it will be the end of us" she says before walking ahead of us "I don't think your mom will really kill us" Jay says "Jay you know my mother and you know she doesn't bluff so shut it" she snaps at the end.

We finally find the wand and Jay immediately runs over to it, getting under the bars "Jay don't" I say as he goes to touch it but he smirks and goes to touch it as his hand goes to grab it he's suddenly flown back and a loud noise goes off startling Evan "shh it's okay" I say trying to keep him calm as he covers his ears in an attempt to block the sound. "great job Jay" Mal snaps sarcastically as we start running off down the stairs "sorry" he says as we get to the main part and Carlos stops to tend to the alarm system turning the noise off "yeah sorry about that it was just a malfunction say hi to the misses" he says over the phone before slamming it down "hurry up Carlos!" Mal whisper yells "you're welcome" Carlos replies running after us. "great now we have to go to school tomorrow Jay" Mal says as we get outside and run off in the direction of the school.

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