Uh Oh

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Here's a new chapter, it contains a bit of devie and devles into Evie's past romance with Harry so in a way you're getting a bit of hevie in this chapter. I hope you like it.

The next day...

Evie's pov

So school had just finished for the day and I had just dropped by mine and Mal's room to check on Evan and also spend some time with him a bit but then I left him with Jay and Carlos so I could go and meet up with Doug like I said I would.

I find Doug sat outside on a bench all by himself. I walk over and clear my throat startling him a little making me giggle "sorry, I didn't hear you approaching" he says "it's okay, I probably should've given you a heads up as I was making my way over" I respond waving him off as I sit next to him. "I'm glad you came. I honestly thought for a moment that you weren't going to show up" he says making me frown "now why would I not show up if I told you I would?" I question tilting my head to the side slightly. Doug scratches the back of his neck which tells me he's nervous. For some reason when a guy gets nervous they seem to always scratch the back of their necks. Harry always did it when he was nervous well that or he would tap his foot and twiddle with his hook, it was always one or the another. 'Stop it, quit thinking about him' I scold myself mentally.

I clear my throat and shake my head as I realize I was miles away and not paying attention. "Sorry, I didn't catch what you said. I got distracted by something" I apologise "it's okay, I sometimes zone out of conversations. I often do it with my parents or my cousins when they're annoying me" he replies "I didn't zone out on purpose, I swear now repeat what you said and then we can get on with this little hang out date and let the fun begin" I respond "okay well I said, I didn't think you would show up because well you're a villain kid and you're obviously way too cool to hang out with a nerd like me" he explains making me frown "hey, don't think like that. I wasn't going to stand you up, I always stand by my word Doug. I may be a villain kid but I'm not a jerk" I respond "I know, I was just being silly when I thought those things" he replies making me nod so I clear my throat to ease the tension. "So what are going to do?" I ask "well I figured we could just stroll along the lake and talk, get to know each other you know?" he suggests "I'm up for that but could we maybe keep away from the lake? I'm kind of scared of water" I respond "yeah, sure. We could take a walk to the ice cream parlor on campus?" he suggests "what's an ice cream parlor?" I ask having never heard the word before "well it's like a cafe bit it sells ice-cream. You do like ice cream right?" he asks "um, I've never had ice cream. We don't have it on the isle" I respond his eyes widen "oh I'm sorry that is just tragic. Ice cream is the best thing ever and it always makes you feel better when you're sad. I don't know how someone could live without it" he rambles making me giggle slightly "well when you're born on the isle and you grow up there. You tend to live without all the luxury things you get here. We don't get ice cream or candy. We get left overs and food that is mouldy and out of date" I explain "I'm so sorry to hear that. That's terrible. You really get our left overs?" he asks "yeah we do. Everything from food to furniture parts. Anything you don't want or find interest in anymore goes to the isle which always comes in the barbage so we have to root through the garbage to find food and we always have to fight for the food because there's always some other kid who wants it. Sometimes you're successful in getting food but sometimes you're not so you have to go without food for like two days or even a week" I explain Doug's eyes widen "two days or a week? Why?" he asks "because that's usually when the next loud of garbage comes in. If we fail to get food, we have to wait for the next shipment to arrive which takes up to two days to a week" I explain Doug shakes his head. "That's just terrible. How do you manage to survive going without food for so long?" he asks "well some people get so hungry that they just eat insects or the odd fish that gets caught in the sea by the docks of the isle while some steal food off others" I explain "that's not right" he replies I shrug my shoulders "it is what is Doug. We're the villains so we get the horrible stuff to prove just how horrible we are or at least our parents" I respond as I stand up, clearing my throat. "Let's go check out that ice cream parlour you mentioned. I would really like to try some ice cream" I say wanting to change the subject. Doug clears his throat and smiles "of course. Allow me to escort you and lead the way" he replies standing up and holding his arm out to me so I flash him a smile as I loop my arm through his as we walk off towards this ice cream parlor.

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