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Three days later....Friday

Evie's pov

Today is Friday and tomorrow is Ben's coronation and I'm very nervous for two reasons. 1. the whole wand stealing thing which I'm not taking part in but I don't know if the others still are and 2. I'm going to sing in front of everyone and I still don't know what song I'm going to sing. I don't want to sing something sad or sing something that will take the attention away from Ben as it's his special day and I don't want to steal the attention.

Anyway I'm currently in the music room trying to decide what song to sing while Carlos is looking after Evan for me as I need to have total peace and quiet.

I have my song book out in front of me and I'm scanning through the book trying to pick out the perfect song.

I start playing the piano and do some vocal exercises before I start singing but I'm interrupted by a bunch of obnoxious laughter.

I stop and look at the door to see Alaska entering with Audrey and Cindy "look girls it's Evie" Alaska says while I try to ignore her as they walk over. "What are you doing loser?" Cindy asks "oh it looks like she's trying to decide what to sing at the coronation" Audrey says in a mocking tone. "I don't know why you're taking this seriously. I mean aren't you worried?" Alaska asks making me frown "worried about what?" I ask "making a fool of yourself in front of the whole world" she replies "you do know the coronation is being televised and everyone will see everything including your little performance" Cindy explains "I'm aware the coronations being televised" I respond "yeah but you have all those eyes on you, watching you and what if you like mess up. You'll have to life with the humiliation for the rest of your pathetic life" Alaska says in a fake pity tone making Audrey and Cindy snicker.

"Look Alaska I don't have time for this" I say standing up "look I came here for one reason only and that's to tell you to drop out" she says stepping closer to me "what?" I ask "drop out of the performance. Don't sing at the coronation, we don't want the rest of Auradon to see you making a mockery of us" Audrey says "I mean it will be totally unfair on Ben as tomorrow is all about him and you can't be selfish" Cindy adds "Ben asked me to sing so I am doing for him" I respond making them snicker.

"You don't really think Ben was being sincere? He only asked you to perform because he feels sorry for you and he wants people to see that he's changing the vk's and giving them a chance to be something other than evil rotten misfits" Alaska says before grabbing my book which I try to snatch back but she holds it up. "That's my song book, give it back!" I say trying to reach for it "ah ha" she says before tearing it up making me gasp. "No! What did you do?!" I ask as she throws the pages on the floor.

"I just did you a favour" she replies "consider yourself lucky Evie. This way you won't make a fool of yourself" Audrey says as a tear slides down my cheek. "Why are you so cruel?" I ask and they roll their eyes "we're not being cruel, we're just trying to help you" Audrey replies "no, this is cruel" I respond "oh well, like you aren't" Alaska retorts "I'm not, I've never mocked or ruined something of someone elses" I respond "yeah well your mother ruined my mother's life so I guess you get a taste of what it's like to have your life ruined" Alaska sneers "Alaska back away!" Doug yells from the doorway startling the three girls.

"Doug what are you doing here?" Alaska asks sweetly "no what are you doing here?" he asks glaring at her as he steps into the room "just giving some friendly advice" Alaska replies twirling her hair between two fingers. "You're lying, I just heard everything you said now leave Evie alone!" Doug snaps making Alaska gasp "Doug how could you yell at me? I thought we were friends" Alaska sniffled but I knew it was fake. "No, we've never been friends and you know that. You only talk to me when you need something" Doug retorts "that isn't true. I care about you" Alaska insists "no you don't, you only care about yourself" he retorts making her gasp.

"I'm telling your uncles about this and they will be very disappointed" Alaska says "fine, go and tell them. I don't care" Doug replies making her scoff "I'll tell Derek, he'll be super pissed" she says "tell him, I don't care anymore now leave Evie alone you've tortured her enough!" he yells and Alaska storms out along with Audrey and Cindy.

I crouch down to gather my torn book "I'm sorry about her" Doug says walking over and bending down to help me pick up the papers. "It's okay, it's not your fault" I sniffle wiping away a tear "hey" he says kneeling on his knees and touching my arm as he sees a tear trickle down my cheek. 

"She ruined my song book. I wrote so many songs in here, they tell my story and every thought, every memory and every fear I ever experienced and she ruined them" I sniffle bursting into tears. "Can't you rewrite them?" Doug asks and I shake my head "not the way they were, I wrote some at a time where things were really dark in my life" I respond "I'm so sorry" he apologizes "it's okay, it's not your fault" I respond as I gather the last of the pages.

"I suppose I could just tape it all back together" I say "I could help you?" he suggests "no!" I yell startling him making me feel guilty. "I'm sorry, it's just some of these songs are really personally and I don't want anyone seeing them" I explain "it's fine, you don't have to explain" he replies as we stand up.

"So do you have a song ready for tomorrow?" he asks "no but I'll figure something out. Anyway I need to get going, Evan's waiting for me" I say before leaving the room.

End of chapter. Alaska, Audrey and Cindy are awful. Doug came to Evie's aide. Will Evie pick a song? What will happen?

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