The Mind Of A Boy

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So this chapter is a little different instead of it being in Evie's pov it's going to be in Doug and Harry's pov so enjoy

Doug's pov

I'm on my way to check if the new kids have settled in yet so I can show them around, I check on Jay and Carlos first since their dorm room wasn't far from mine and they simply nodded and said they'd meet me by the stairs.

As I start making my way to the girls dorm rooms I suddenly start thinking of Evie gosh she's beautiful not that I didn't think she'd be, I just didn't expect her to be so beautiful maybe that's because she's the daughter of Snow White's evil step mother and the Evil Queen is an enemy to my family. My family will be upset that I've been in close distance to Evil Queens daughter heck they're not very pleased about her coming here, they had a field day with Prince Ben when they found out Evil Queen's daughter was coming to Auradon by his invitation.

I admit I wasn't pleased myself and I was prepared to make it known that she wasn't welcome here well at least I told myself that but I'm a wimp so I probably wouldn't have but all it took was one glance at her and all my dislike towards her and any thoughts I had went out the window. Our eyes meet her brown eyes had softened slightly and there was no sign of hatred as she walked towards me they were filled with mischief and curiosity which surprised me yet intrigued me.

I come to a stop when I arrive at Evie and Mal's dorm room and I ruffle my hair before I raise my hand to knock. "knock knock" I say as I knock on the door suddenly feeling very nervous. The door is opened a few seconds later and I'm met by a very angry Mal "what?!" she says scowling "Mal" I hear Evie scold from in the room by she appears pushing Mal aside slightly "hi sorry about that she's still settling in she's not fond of new places" Evie says with a sweet smile "no it's okay I understand" I say shuffling my feet "so what are you doing here?" she asks "I'm supposed to show you two and the other two around" I explain she nods "okay well we'll meet you by the stairs in five" she says I nod "okay I'll be waiting" I say with a small smile "good" she says giving me a wave before shutting the door and I start heading towards the stairs.

Meanwhile on the Isle of lost

No one's pov

On a ship on the isle there was a young boy lying on a hammick as he kept flipping a coin he found earlier in the door. The boy stopped flipping the coin and grabbed a bottle from nearby, he popped the lid off the bottle and started chugging the liquid down his throat making no move to stop as he craved to rid himself of this emptiness he was feeling. This boy was the infamous Harry Hook the eldest and only son of Captain Hook and the younger brother of Harriet  and older brother CJ Hook.

Harry's pov

Once I've drank every drop of the beer I burp scrunching up my nose before tossing the bottle across the room causing it to smash to pieces when it hits the wall.


That's all I feel I can't feel anything I'm numb and why do I feel like this you may ask its because of a certain blue haired princess who goes by the name Evie whereas I know her as Genevieve which is her full name. Oh my lovely Genevieve has gone she's left the Isle and gone to Auradon leaving me behind probably with no thought of me not that I blame her I was an ass to her.

She was my princess my soul mate and I screwed up badly and for the past year I've suffered the consequence for what I did and it sucks. Nobody knows how empty I feel because they don't care to know or they just don't understand.

When I heard the news that Evie had left the isle with the other three core four I was crushed not because of them leaving because I don't care about them. I was crushed about Evie leaving because it meant I lost the chance to fix things, I thought I'd be able to fix things before but now she's gone I know there's no chance and I know this because Evie will stay in Auradon despite the mission they've been sent on. Evie will stay because its her dream and I have no doubt she has Evan there and I know she's always wanted to give him the life he deserves a place where he's safe and in Auradon I know he will be so that's how I know Evie will remain there.

I'll miss her but that doesn't mean I'll get over her because I won't as I've never felt the way I did with her with anyone else.

So what did you think?

You got a peak into Doug and Harry's thoughts so you know what they're thinking. Who do you like Doug or Harry? Who do you want Evie to be with? Will there be a love triangle in the future of this story? What will happen next? Stay in tune for more.

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