chapter 2 the beginning of death

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" refreshing"

yukkuri Wake up and sit straight on the bed again...
he raised both of his hand and lightly stretch it up...
and he moved his head side to side..

it's his morning routine when he wakes up..and also  it's more like an exercise to him.....


yukkuri was feeling a little weird for some odd reason...he felt that his body was so light today and robust.....

he ignores what he's feeling weird right now....and reach for  his phone first thing in the morning....he look at the time that displayed on the phone..6:38....he was shock to see that he's already awake this early in the morning ... because he's mostly wake up 10:00 or 12:00 but today of All day he wakes up early and for some reason his body feels healthy.......he sigh and shake his head to stop thinking about what happened today......and thought to himself that maybe today is a lucky day for him.......

after yukkuri stoped thinking of what he's feeling right now he heard someone greet him in his side of the bed......

" good morning....did you sleep well "

he turned his his head towards on the voice direction and he see the boy yawning after  greeting him...... yukkuri who's looking at the boy was slightly irritated that the first person he see in the morning was him...... so he sighed internally. even he's slightly irritated he still decided to greet the boy morning....

" good morning too....... yeah I think i sleep very well last body feels refreshed for some weird reason"

" hmm is that so then good for you "

yukkuri quickly look at the boy face that look really genuinely happy for make yukkuri feel  goosebumps for some reason that All the hair on his neck stand up ........he squint his black eyes eyes and look at the boy with suspicious glare.....

when the boy see yukkuri looking at him he suddenly smile towards yukkuri.....

when yukkuri see the boy smile he suddenly Lost interest on why the boy was happy for him........and he just decided to do light stretches again.

after 3 minutes doing stretches yukkuri sigh and stop....he's already tired doing stretches ...

he then grab his phone that he put on table and look back at the boy ....

" wanna play now"

yukkuri ask the boy who's still yawning while watching him doing his stretches just a minute ago....

the boy look and smile at yukkuri....

" okay let's play then "

" good ,...but wait let me text the nurse quickly that Im awake now. so he  can bring my break fast here...."

" okay take your time"..

after hearing the boy response yukkuri quickly look at his phone and text the nurse that he's already awake and he needs his breakfast now......

because yukkuri's wake up almost every evening his doctor said that if he ever wake up early in the morning he just have to text the nurse if he needs something.....

so after he finished sending the text to the nurse he look at the boy and make an okay sign using his hand to inform the him that he's done...the boy also did the same indicating that he understands....

so the two of them play mobile game again like last time .......

knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock

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