chapter 6

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after yukkuri said the spell he noticed that the guys on the black clothes who's running towards to them suddenly Fall on the ground one by one.....

" this--is"

yukkuri hear the the boss of the group the man with the white mask on his face speak before he also fell down to the ground......

then after seeing the guys on the black clothes all fell down on the ground yukkuri look at the two girls.......

he see the two of them was also lying on the ground sleeping........

yukkuri smile a little bit upon seeing the situation became fine.......but

he's smile quickly disappear on his face and In exchange his face was full of agony.....

he clench his stomach again but this time he do it with both of his hand....
and he press his head on the ground while crouching.....

" well that's fast...... what do you think student of mine ....... it's amazing right"

" liar!!!"

" haa what do you mean by liar  student of mine"

" you said that it's a simple magic spell.. that's it's not gonna hurt like last liar master the pain was about the same as before"

yukkuri said while pressing his head on the ground much harder...

"hmmm....ahhh.... maybe that's why?????"

" master???"

yukkuri quickly lift his head up and look at his master who's thinking to himself....

" hahhahahajaja......... sorry student of mine it's look like it's not a Matter of how hard the magic spell is..."

" ehh what do you mean?"

"well i think before that the pain might comes from how hard the magic you use....but it's look like. that I am wrong after all..."

" then master what is this pain....?!"

" well it's look like the pain will reflect on how much mana you use on the magic spell"

" then do you mean th-"

yukkuri didn't finish what he was about to say and instead press his head on the ground again because of the pain......

" yeah what your thinking maybe right student of mine.....the magic spell that I send in your brain was indeed was just a simple spell....but I didn't know that the way i use it before consume big mana.......... sorry I didn't know before that it's about the mana and not the spell it self......"

yukkuri didn't answer his master who's apologizing to him....

and instead he just continue to hold his stomach with both of his hand and press his head on the floor .....


after a total of four hours crouching on the ground yukkuri slowly started to stand up...

after standing he dusted his short and his white t shirt that's full of dirt because of he's crouching on the ground for a long time.....

after he completely dusted his cloth...
yukkuri look at his master who's smiling while had a apologetic look on his face right now....

he ignores his master and instead just look at the sleeping bodies of the the guys in black clothes on the ground..

he also glance a little at the two girls on the ground before looking to his master.....

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