chapter 10

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yukkuri look at his master with disinterested expression he really Don't want to hear what he's master wanted to he decided to stay quiet and don't answer his master and instead continue to follow his master......

but he's walking suddenly stopped when his master stand still on the spot and loo at him......

" how cruel of you to use the corpse of others to experiment student of mine........ especially those three cruel of you "

yukkuri didn't say anything on his master Even after what he heard and he just stay silent and avoided his master piercing gaze towards him......

when his master see yukkuri reaction he chuckled and resume walking AGAIN with a smile in his face.....but before his master continue to walk far he spoke to yukkuri

" I really don't know if you're smart or you just don't have the confidence in your self student of mine.......if it's about the confidence you don't have to worry about it.....
as long I teach you magic you can do and get anything you want."

upon saying this his master started to walk forward again without looking at yukkuri.....

yukkuri who hear his master also started to follow suit......

he also thought about what just his master now......

yukkuri remember when he see the dead body of the three girls in this forest..... when he see it the first time he felt sad and anger....but those emotions didn't last on him because he was not sad enough to cry or feel sorry on what happened to the three for some reason he felt indifferent on the girls situation. he was also not that enraged enough to find the people involved in this savagery and kill them all...he find it meaningless to that because in the first place he was not close them or didn't know these girls enough to bother take revenge for them..........

at that time yukkuri thought of burying them to the ground to at least give respect towards their corpse but then he suddenly thought of something at that moment.......

he suddenly remember something about the resurrection magic his master said something  about the main things you need to resurrect someone was the corpse of the deceased.......

when he remembers that he look intently on the corpse of the three girls.........he suddenly thought of something he was scared when he thinks that maybe he will fail on using the resurrection magic on kaede  this sudden thought make yukkuri anxious...

when yukkuri thought of failing he think that if he somehow fail maybe the resurrection magic will not work anymore....... even through his master said that he can use resurrection magic as many he wants he didn't know if it's possible to cast it on kaede again if he some how fail at first time........ yukkuri know that he only need to ask his master to avoid to have this kind of thought but he didn't felt like asking his master about this because he felt like his master was not gonna answer his question seriously.....

yukkuri then suddenly thought of something then he look towards the corpse of  the three girls that lying on the ground........he now looking at the corpse with a complicated look in his face he was thinking that if he can practice resurrection magic  he can perfectly use this Three girls corpse......

yukkuri was thinking to himself if what in his mind was right then he weights it on his head......

but as soon kaede come to the scale he already decided on what to do next.......

yukkuri internally apologize to the three girls and also pray for forgiveness to what he's about to do.. ..

but suddenly yukkuri thought of something he felt that he actually was doing something good because if he actually succeeded in his experiment on using the resurrection magic..on the three girls they will have a second chance AGAIN.... with this thoughts in his mind yukkuri ask his master about preservation magic.......

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