chapter 13

11 3 4

After resolving myself I quickly came out of hiding to attack....

The big rabbit 🐇 notice me and started to run away....

Even through the rabbit 🐇 was about to run away I didn't panic I Know to my self that I can cast magic faster....

So the rabbit started to run away from me. And I also reach my hand out and tried my best to aim at the big rabbit....

" Fire ball"

I shouted the name of the magic spells that I used.
even through I can used magic without Chanting or saying the magic spell I decided to shout the name of the spell to hype myself up...

After I say the magic spell I can feel heat forming on my hand and I can also feel pain all over my body like I was lying on a bed of needles...

It only takes second for the fire ball appear on my hand.....but there's a big problem...

The fire ball appear on my hand was very big no huge it's almost twenty times much bigger than the previous ones.....

I was startled on the sudden change I'm sure to myself that I did what I practice every day in that underground so there's no way I was doing it wrong....

But what's this big ball of fire hovering on my hand......

As I was thinking to myself the big white rabbit 🐇 was getting far away from me....

I became frantic so I lose reasoning and shoot out the ball of fire towards the big rabbit 🐇.....

The ball of fire quickly been released on my hands heading to the rabbit 🐇 despite being large the ball of fire was very fast.....

That it's already near the Rabbit 🐰 and as I expected my aim was not great so the fire ball will miss the that time I was hoping that the rabbit was cought on the explosion....

And Then the fireball hit the ground and the rabbit was very far away from it ......but to my surprise..

As I expected the explosion happened but I didn't see this out come...

The explosion of the fire ball was very strong that I who is far away where the fire ball hit was blown away ......

I cannot see anything because of the explosion and I been hit by the debris like a branch and sand.....

" Cough cough 😷...... what the hell is that"

I was coughing and swearing 🤬 while trying to stand ...

I should've expect this kind of explosion to happen because of the size of the fire ball...

I regretted and scold myself on shooting that giant fire ball out of my hand without thinking carefully....

After I regretted that I didn't think enough. I brush away the debris cling on my clothes such as twigs, leaves and dirt ...

After Dusting myself I walk closer where the explosion happened....

And after approaching where the explosion happened I was standing on a creater it probably has Deep of 10 feet and wide of 20 feet....

I gulp on seeing the creater which causes by the explosion of the magic fire ball....the surrounding of the crater was chard black and there's even some tree's that fell down because of how strong the explosion was......

Seeing the destruction in front of me I had a sudden thought....

What would happen I try this magic on someone or a place where there's many people......

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2021 ⏰

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