chapter 8

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' this is?'

Amelia ready her sword to attack towards the black smoke...

Amelia also noticed that the group of assassin's who's stopped moving..also started to be in their guard....

After Amelia slightly glance to the group of assassin's. she quickly shifted her gaze towards the black smoke....

' so my luck run out now '


Amelia click her tongue

...she thought that she can use the black smoke to her advantage but it's look like it's impossible anymore

Amelia look at the black smoke who's started to slowly disappear...

for some reason Amelia had a bad feeling when the black circle of smoke started disappear.....

after all the smoke was gone Amelia eye's widen and there's a look of shock in her face on what she just see..

it's not just only her. even Olivia had her eyes wide open and her mouth also wide open on shock...

even the group of the  assassin's has the same look on their faces.. even their faces was covered in black cloth.. anyone can see and notice that they were all shock because it's showing in their eyes....

the one who's very shock on the group of the assassin's was their leader...

their  leader gritted his teeth very hard he didn't predict something like this will happen..he also thought that this might affect their plan....

Amelia , Olivia and the group of assassin's was looking shockingly on the direction of the black smoke...

the reason on the shock expressions on there faces was because of a man who suddenly appear after the black smoke....

every people on the forest who see the black circle of smoke thought to themselves that the black circle of smoke was a a dangerous magic spell or they also that it maybe some sort of new rare monster that they never seen before......

but none of them know that it was a person in the very beginning. or to be precise they didn't know that a man will suddenly appear after the black smoke disappear.....

but what also shock everyone the most was the position of the man....when the black smoke completely disappear all of them  can see that the man was crouching on the ground and it's head was pressing on the ground very hard.....they also noticed that the man was wearing a strange everyone thought including Amelia that the man was probably came from another kingdom..............

Amelia gripped the hilt of her sword very hard .
she highten her sense's.

she focus on what will the man do......

but a couple of second's the man was still crouching on the while holding his stomach and pressing his head on the ground.....

Amelia was not sure on whats happening in front of him...

even the group of assassin's was also puzzled on why was the man still crouching on the ground...

after couple of second's Amelia and Olivia who's near can hear the man was groaning like his in pain....

Olivia has a look of worried towards the man..

on the other hand Amelia squinted her eyes and pointed her sword towards the man....

she did this because she cannot see any visible injury on the man's body so Amelia thought that maybe it was just a ploy to make her guard down....

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