Chapter 11

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I'm shuffling through my luggage trying to find my dress I packed. I'm too nervous for what today will hold. I keep talking myself down. I can't help but to feel like something big will happen today. I don't know why I can't shake this feeling. I finally find my black lace, v-neck, knee length dress when I hear a knock at the door. It's my aunt Cecilia and cousin Erin, Finn's mom and sister. I hear them ask Finn where I am. I holler from the back room.
"Aunt Cecilia! Erin!" I excitedly yelp.
"Hello love." Cecilia says as she embraces me with a hug. She's always been one of my favorite aunts. So cheerful, gracious, and posh. A real lady if you will. Like something out of the 1950's. Then there's Erin. Erin was the trouble maker but in a good way. She had hair like fire and eyes like emeralds.I looked up to her as a kid. I wanted to be her as a kid. She was so brave and let nothing come in her way.
"Cousin! Bring it here!" She said moving her mother aside for a hug. "How've ya been?? Where's your man?"
"Erin! Stop it! So rude!" Aunt Cecilia scolds her hitting her arm.
"I guess Finn can't keep his mouth shut huh?"
All three of us share a giggle.
"What's this? Ya talking bad about me?" Finn intrudes.
"Never!" Erin answers and then looks at me to roll her eyes.
"He should be here soon. I still have to get ready."
"Do you need help love?" My aunt helpfully answers.
"No thanks. I just need to get my dress on and do my hair."
"Alright then. We'll leave you be for now. But don't take too long. We need to catch up!" My aunt wants me.

I can hear the laughter fill the house as I twist my hair up into a bun and pin it down. A smile comes across my face as I realize how much I have missed them. It's not the same talking over the phone or sharing messages. To actually be with them again is heart warming for me. I slip into my dress and I can hear Erin cat calling.

"Hello handsome! Why don't you come on in!" She says. Liam must be here.
"Oh Dahlia! Your Prince is here!!!" She says leading him to my room. "Oh hey! Can you just..." I stop dead in my tracks. He is dressed to the nines. Kilt and all.

"Wow! I wasn't expecting full Irish attire" I comment.
"Well, what did you think I would wear? Nothing?" He says cheecky.
"Can you just zip me up." I say trying to get the blush off my face from his comment.
"You do look beautiful in this dress.It's a shame I'm putting it on you instead of taking it off." I instantly blush.
"You're always going to be trouble aren't you?" I joke around changing the subject.
"But you wouldn't want it any other way." he whispers in my ear and I hear the zipper zoom up my back.
He turned me around and pinches my chin between his index and thumb to bring my lips to his. He places his soft lips onto mine. And I am lost in him for a moment. It feels like forever since  he has kissed me with all the chaos going on. But right there and then it all vanishes. I don't want to open my eyes and be brought back to reality. Here is where I want to stay. With him. But, yet again the moment is ruined.

"Don't mean to interrupt you two love birds but we have to leave in 10 minutes." Finn says.
"Oh sorry yeah. I'll... we'll be right there. Liam I need you to meet my Aunt. I know you were briefly introduced to Erin."
"You mean the one who wanted to take me home with her from the moment she saw me? Yeah she's sweet."

I introduce Liam to my aunt. She has this look on her face as if she knows him from somewhere. She becomes almost quiet. This is not like her. Maybe she did know him from somewhere.

"Liam, what is your fathers name?" She asks.
"You look so familiar but the last name or your fathers don't ring a bell." She says with confusion
"I get that a lot."
"Huh." She sighs and looks him up and down.

I grab Liams hand and we head towards the car so we can be on time for the church. From the outside the church is small. But upon entering the high vaulted ceilings make it feel bigger. As we walk down the aisle to find a seat. I find myself getting closer and closer to Liam as my nerves are starting to peak. He leans in my ear and whispers "It's going to be ok darling." I look up at him half smiled. He's right. This will all be over soon.

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