chapter Seventeen

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"Dahlia! We've been walking all day! Where the hell is this place?" Liam says out of breath hunched over.
"It's around here." I look aimlessly around.
"You've been saying that for miles! I think we're lost."

"We're not." I say knowing that we are.
I start fiddling with my necklace. And then I remember what Midge said to me the other day about letting the necklace lead the way. Well, it wasn't helping now.

"Work you stupid necklace!" I softly whisper to it. I stand still with my eyes closed hoping that something will happened. That I just didn't lead us on a wild goose chase.I open my eyes and I start walking towards my left. Further and further into the wooded area. I'm starting to become frustrated. I collapse on the ground in defeat. I have gotten us lost.

"Dahlia, let's try to find our way back before it gets dark." Liam suggests trying to catch his breath again. He rests his hand on my shoulder. I turn and took up at him completely defeated. 
"You're right."

Just then I can feel my necklace tug by itself. "Did you see that?" I ask Liam getting up off the ground.
"See what?"
"Look!" As I point to my necklace that is starting to move up and down on my neck.
"Stop fooling around! I'm tired"
"I'm not doing it Liam." It starts to pull straight ahead of me pulling me with it almost choking me. I take off the necklace and hold it in my hand. 

"Well things can't get more strange today."

"This way." It's now like a magnet pull leading the way. We stop at this huge tall field.

"Well what now?"

"I don't know Liam. It just stopped. Maybe we go through this field?"

"No way. You know what kinda of crap lives in there? Not to mention how lost we'll get and it's already getting dark."

Just then the necklace takes on a life of it's own and get pulled into the field floating away. My heart sinks. My mother's necklace! Now lost in that field.

"Oh no! My mom's necklace!" I scream.
"Well, that's just great! The one thing that helped us is not gone! We're fucked! It's getting dark now and we're lost!" Liam says throwing his hands in the air. He rests his hands on top of his head in defeat. He turns his back to the field but I cannot take my eyes away from it. I see something happening in the field but can't make out what. Each blade keeps pulling back by itself. One by one.

"What?" He says with anger turning around. "What in the bloody hell?" 

"It's a path!"
"Wait let me go first. Just in case anything happens."

I let Liam lead the way. We can't see anything but the high blades of the fields as far as we can see. We keep going further in until we see it moments later. The field unfolds this mighty stone castle. We stand there in aw of its massive size. It's something of a fairy tail. Stain glass windows, Bridges, Towers, and gorgeous landscapes. We make our way towards it not saying a word. We cross over the bridge to the main doors. The doors are enormous heavy with wood. Liam attempts to open it.

"Maybe knock?"
"Knock? Really like its just gonna open." He laughs knocking on the door. The door creeks open and he looks at me with disbelief. We carefully enter into the castle. The inside is even more exquisite than the outside.
"You've got to be kidding me." Liam exclaims looking up at the high voluted ceilings.
"Took ya long enough!" Midge exclaims.
"Midge!" Liam runs to her and hugs her.
"Hello love!! I'm sorry for the tough day."
"Oh it's quite alright." He assures her.
"So, welcome to your home. Council will be here tomorrow to go over orders with you. As for today explore your new home. I've stocked the kitchen for ya. Everything is set to your liking. Maids, butlers, and all the matienance people will be here tomorrow."
"Midge you're amazing! How did you do all of this?" I ask.
"Money helps. And don't worry I took my cut."
"Then why the RV?"
"I'm a gypsy. Always gotta be traveling. And it's not my only home dwelling. I took care of myself over the years.I'm good to my word. After all those centuries you took care of me and my family. I am loyal till the end." She assures us.
"Alright loves. I'm out of here. Did you need anything else?"

Bound: Book OneDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora