Chapter Twenty-Four

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Nervous doesn't even describe how I feel today. The Murphy's will be here. I'm hoping everything goes well and we can explain everything. The last thing I want is for the family I have left to hate me. I can feel my stomach knotting up.
"Hello D! Earth to D." Sam shouts at me.
"Oh sorry. I'm just lost in thought." I answer running my fork back and fourth through my eggs. "How did you sleep?"
"Good. Except for this hangover. My head is killing me." He says as he rubs his temples. "I heard you had an exciting night."
"I don't know what you're talking about." I say with my cheeks blushing.
"I heard they had to clean the pool. Now you wouldn't know anything about that. Would ya?" He says looking me dead in the eyes.
"You're the one who made Liam give me whiskey. I Balme you."
"Hey you're the one who drank it." He says with a cocky tone. He's right I can't blame him for that.
I glare at him and make an attempt to change the subject. "Anyway I have to meet with Lewis today and go over our plans for this reception we have to throw."
"Party eh? For me? You shouldn't have."
"Not for you! It's for our families to announce we are bounded. Like a wedding reception."
"So when is he going to make you an honest woman?"
"Soon apparently. It's totally business. So romantic right?"
"Ha! I mean that whole bounding thing is pretty much marriage. Just cooler features. I wish I knew for a fact who my soulmate was instead of wasting my time."

I understood what Sam was saying. I wish I didn't waste my time dating all those guys and getting my heart broke. It would have been easier to have met Liam and that was that. But all those past relationships helped me grow and taught me something along the way.

"So, Do you want to come with me?"
"Sure why not."

After breakfast we are escorted to the study to meet with Lewis and go over plans for the reception. I'm dreading this. I have no clue how to plan a grand reception. I don't even want to have this thing. And who knows if my family will even come after tonight. I see Lewis standing in front of the table with his fire red hair and perfectly ironed suit ready to talk business.
"Hello Lillian I am so excited to show you what have I come up with. And who is this?"
"This is my friend Sam. He just got here yesterday from America."
"Oh America. Well howdy partner." He says in his best country accent. 

"Uh hey. I'm from Washington. No where near the country but I appreciate the effort Lewis." He says shaking his hand.
"I'm so sorry. I thought they were all cowboys. What do I know?"

We all share a laugh as Lewis takes out a tablet and opens up his presentation. Slide after slide we go through colors, flowers, food, entertainment. I feel like we've been in this room forever. I know I'm driving Lewis nuts because I have no clue what I want.

"Well, I know this is out there and it's my last resort but, what do you think of a masquerade theme?" Lewis asks exhausted.
"I think that's pretty cool!" Sam says with excitement.
"You do?"

"Yeah everyone wears a mask and no one reveals themselves till midnight. Always wanted to go to one of those."
"Huh." I say intrigued. "Tell me more Lewis."

Lewis gets into fine details on what his ideas for the masquerade. It's sounds so elegant and fun at the same time. I finally make the decision to go forward with the idea for the reception. I can tell Sam is excited too. Which makes me feel better about making the choice.
"That guy is a trip." Sam whispers to me as we are leaving the room.

"He is but he's my favorite of the council. He's always happy and eager to help."
"Well yeah. Ya gotta be if you're in the party planning business."
"Are you ready to see Erin tonight after all this time?"

"Oh yeah that's right! She's coming tonight. Gotta get spruced up. She's gonna be putty in my hands."
"Oh so confident."
"Hey, I've come a long way since my teenage years."

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