Chapter Nineteen

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I'm staring at the wallpaper in my room. Just laying there numb from hours of crying. I feel like my family just died. I feel alone. What did I do? I just threw away the only family I knew for this man and this fantasy life. I know he is going to be a great king. But in my dream I didn't see if I was happy or if my family would be a part of my life.

"Lillian?" He asks quietly
I don't respond. I keep looking at the wall. "Lillian. She'll be here soon."

It's now night. The day has gotten away from me. And I had totally forgotten about the high priestess coming.
"Lil?" He asks again.

"Do you need help getting up?"
"No. It's fine. I'm fine." I say slowly lifting myself up.
"You're not fine. And I hate forcing you to do this right now. But this is our chance if we want to make this happen soon." He reminds me. He sits on the bed next to me." Do you still want to do this?"
"Yes. We have to. I just wish..." I look down and fiddle my fingers.
"I know. Maybe she'll come around."

I give Liam a very hopeless look. He wraps his arms around me and kisses my head.I hear the maids scurry into the room. Liam takes this as his sign to leave.Before exiting the room he stops at the door.

"Lillian, I'm sorry I did this to you."

I look at my maids and ask for them to give us a moment. They quickly exit the room and I make my way towards Liam.

"why would you say that?"

"Because it's my fault your mom treated you the way she did. I hate seeing you this way and I feel helpless that there's nothing I can do to fix it."

"Liam." I grab him and hug him.I feel his arms tightly wrap around me and his head rest on my shoulder. "This isn't your fault. I don't want you to ever think that. She made the choice to not accept us or our life. I want to be with you. It's our destiny. I just wish she would see that."

"Yeah I know but I can't help but feeling at fault for your heartache.I just want to make you happy."

"And you do Liam. I just wish she would accept my life with you now."

"Me too. I love you."

"I love you too." We part and he wipes the subtle tear rolling down my cheek.

"No go get ready. I'll be waiting outside for you."

"Ok." I smile and watch him walk away and the maids run around me and fix me up. 

 I make my way to the garden where Liam and the high priestess are waiting for me. She is a tall woman with long wavy silver hair and pale skin. She glows in the moonlight. She looks at me making my way to her. Her sky blue eyes catch my attention.
"Hello.I'm sorry I'm late. I hope you haven't been waiting long."
"No dear. I just arrived." She says shaking my hand. "I am delighted to finally meet you."
"Likewise." I respond.
"So, I understand that you're ready to bound your souls together."
"Yes." Liam says." The sooner the better.
"Give me your hands." She asks.
We put out both our hands. She examines them looking at every line, every crease. Flipping them over and back again. Aligning them together. Looking at our wrists.
"Well there is no doubt you belong to one another. However, you do come from different tribes. Which Liam knows is not common. I can do the ceremony but it will have to be a little different."
"Ok whatever we have to do." Liam agrees.
"Since you are from different houses you do have to decide the color." 

"What does she mean Liam?" I whisper.
"Each house has a color. That color is represented in your bounding band. And since you come from different houses..." She explains.
"Oh I see." I look towards Liam.
"Well Lil what do you want to do?"
"I suppose blue since that is the theme of this castle."
"I'm a fan of blue too." She whispers to me. "Ok I will draw up the paperwork and get everything settled. Have you picked a location and time?"

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