So Basically I've Reignited My Passion For The Game

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So as the title suggests I've reignited my passion for Food Fantasy. I've been consistently logging on for a few days now.

The Harvest Diary event going on right now is motivating me and pushing me to do my dailies. Now I have like an entire year ahead of me because of Fruit Tart's skin. I honestly don't care if I get the skin or not because I don't use Fruit Tart, I barely even look at her. I skim over her while observing my Food Souls. I feel like if she knew this she would order Souffle's mirror alter to kill me.

There's the Reams of Book event and two Gate of Trials events. The Reams of Books event seems harder for a stamina event, like you do stages to get the event items and then trade them to get rewards, but this event seems harder for some reason? Idk it's probably just because I've been away from the game for so long. I only have enough to get like one reward... I'm stuck between soul embers and the SR tickets. I'm probably gonna get the SR tickets because I've been working on Black Tea's artifact, but I also wanna build up my embers for future events.

The Gate of Trials events are for Fire Crystal Persimmon Cake and Vodka. I missed the Persimmon Cake event (and the Matcha event, Cookie & Candy Apple event, and probably some others too), so I'm doing the Vodka one. I actually use Vodka on my main team so I have to work on her artifact.

I'm Level 97 and I still don't know how Fallen Angels work in this game. I understand the artifacts and togis better than I understand the Fallen Angels.

There's also a Recall event going on. Everyone in the global chat is saying to wait until all seven days are unlocked and I do agree on some of them, like the summoning Food Souls and leveling up Fallen Angels, because those do get tedious and waste more resources. But I think the normal deliveries and the dine & dash customers are okay, same with the purifying Fallen Angel embryos. I have like a crap ton of embryos so it's not a big deal for me. At the time of writing this there are two missions written in another language, but they're basically the purify Fallen Angels and do hard stages.

The URs available for this recall are Gingerbread, Double Scoop, Boston Lobster, B-52, Peking Duck, and... Pizza. I'm definitely going for Pizza. I can get him to 1 star if I do get him at the end. The other recall event let me get Double Scoop. It's really tempting to go for Boston Lobster because of how badly I want him, but he's a base game UR and is in like every pool. Plus you can get his shards in shard fusion, but I would suggest saving those shards for when you actually pull him as progress on getting him some stars. So I don't know if this is good advice or not, but this is my input on the URs:

Get the free Pizza if you can. This is basically them handing you Pizza. Then if his event comes back around, which I missed both times and heard that both times it was absolute hell to do, you don't have to worry about getting Pizza himself and then only have to focus on his shards. 

But with that being said and me being on the topic of Pizza, I feel like there's something in this Recall Event that we aren't aware of yet. Like Pizza is a ranking event UR. The one summoning event he had, which was how I got him, the price for the summoning items were really expensive. I forget how much exactly but they were increased prices.

There was someone in global chat who said the Recall missions might include Top Up, and if you don't know what Top Up is, it's basically the Whale activity. So like in-app purchases where you pay real money, not the gold in the game, for like crystals or the packs. Others were saying that Top Up isn't included and I remember from the last Recall I took part in they weren't, hence how I got my UR, but can you just imagine if Elex did that?

People in chat were also talking about Durian Pancake's event, so I'm assuming from what I was reading, just going out on a little whim here nothing too scandalous, that it hasn't happened yet. They said if global follows the event in the CN server then it's gonna be a... I think they said it would be summoning, and if it's JP we're following then it'll be ranking. I hope it's a summoning event, because while I'm trying to save up my embers, a summoning event will actually give us the potential to get good and new stuff rather than pulling from the normal pool.

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