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How did the guardians manage to defeat Pitch Black.

I guess i'll never know the powers of belief.

I pick up the leather bound book and brush off the snow. I smile slightly at the sight of my scarred hands and I read the inscription on the ebony cover of the book.

Never believe that you are nothing. For you are the very basis of life.

I know that quote, When I read it I hear a voice I rememeber like no other. The voice of my father.

He dissapeared when I was very young, just after my mother fell ill. He never came back. People always believed he was dead, and, when he did return he was given a proper hero's welcome.

Oh, how I wish that could've lasted for forever. That blissful time of happiness and universal love. I remember that day. When he walked from  the outskirts of town near the forest, and walked the whole way, with a guard of honour, to the central fountain. I remember running out with my borther to meet him, my little blue checked dress that I had just gone to church in. I ran and ran when I saw him, praying the whole time he wouldn't disspear. He lifted my up and swang me around. He reached down and ruffled my brothers blond mop of hair, and  felt like the only person alive on that day.

I look up from the book and use my purple cardigan to wipe the tears streaking down my face.

I miss him I truly do.

But even I can't reverse death.

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