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Why doesn't he see me? Surely he, of all people, would believe.

I glance at Sandy who shrugs and then my gaze fixes on North.

Why doesn't he see me? Surely he of all people would believe. I have a way of saying alot without saying anything, and North looks nervous, he turns to Jack and says in his booming voice,

"Jack! We have company! Surely you'd like to greet our.. Guest." The way he said guest, like I was an unwelcomed tresspasser. Jack turns to where Norths looking, right at me, but he just looks puzzled. "We-We do?" He asks, and pulls a face.

Everyone in the room looks nervous, purposfully avoiding my gaze.

"Jack, we can all see her. Why can't you?" Jack just shrugs and I clench my fists.

When HE wasn't believed in by mortals, I could see him, but when places are reversed, don't even mention it.

I'm not an idiot though. I reach into Jacks mind and I stare at him straight on.

Mae angen i chi gredu.*

Jacks eyes open wide. Suddenly his eyes are staring into mine. He smiles and ruffles his hair.

"Who-Who are you?" He asks, an odd, impish smile on his face.

I stand up straight and make my eyes even stronger then they already where. I breathe deeply, and speak, for the first time in 350 years.

"I am Talaha. Giver of fate."


Authors note:

Okay! So Talaha speaks Welsh as she IS Welsh. Just letting you know. So it's not spellcheck being a pain, it's me being, somewhat, creative.

* You have to believe

Jackحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن