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I pull my fingers away, and my eyes are wet with tears, his face still makes me cry. I see Jack with his mouth open. "W-wait? That was ME! Ha...Ha. My sister... YOU!" He smiles at me and notices my face. I can't look at him and the tears are still streaking down my face. "Hey. Hey, don't cry. It's all okay." He tries to wrap his arm around me and I back away. I shake my head. I can't let him in again. He nods and grabs his staff. "Well... I'm guessing, 'Sorry' doesn't quite cover it?" He smiles slightly, I smile slightly in return and wipe my eyes. He walks to the door and holds it open for me. I walk silently through the elegant oak frame, followed by Jack.


"Jack! Talaha. Good to have you back!" North booms. Sandy smiles at me, Tooth gasps when she sees my red eyes., she tries fluttering over to comfort me but Jack shakes his head. Bunny just stands, and stares. I walk over to North.

"I came to warn you."

Everyone looks curios.

"He's come back." I look everyone in the eye.

North looks nervous, but chuckles at then booms, "Back? Ha! Your past is clouding your eyes E-," He sees my hard expression at the slight mention of the name, "He. Is gone."

I step closer. "My past? No. He's come back. I would face him myself, but I came here because the children are in danger. He isn't gone, no one defeated him. Unlike all your other enemies he doesn't draw powers from belief."

The silence isn't even broken by Tooth chattering maniacally to her fairies.

Sandy has moved closer to North, and Bunny rolls his eyes.

North claps his hand, and Yetis come in. "The children you say? Well, i'll listen. Then, we'll decide if we wan't to help you."

I ball my fists. Help me. I don't need their help, the children do.

Jack holds up his hand and asks, "Who exactly are we saving them from?"

No one dares utter the name in my precense. I stand forward, swallow my pride and speak his name.


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