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I run my feet through the gently rippling water of the Overland's pond. The appletrees lining the pond, keep you from realising the dangers of the forest. My brother appears behind me and shoves me in. I gasp, it's colder then I remember. "Oskar!" He stands on the bank laughing with his best friend Jackson. "Aww, sorry sis." He extends a hand and I splash him. "I'm not that stupid." I yell back playfully. "I'd beg to differ." He smirks with that annoying i'm-the-older-sibling-so-you'd-better-listen tone. "Oh c'mon." Jack smiles at me and holds out his hand, I smile back and take it. He pulls me out of the water and my brother yells at him to go tree climbing with him. "Going somewhere?" I yell, and Jack winks at me. We both shove him into the lake and then he pulls me in. I laugh and splash him, splashing madly to avoid the wrath of being tickled by two 16 year olds. Emma, Jacks sister runs in and bomb dives, splashing us all. "Even teams!" Emma screams. She splashes her brother, as I take on mine. Then the boys share a nod, and they duck dive under the water. Then Emma and I aren't touching the water, and I see Jack and Oskar beneath us. "Hey!" I yell as Emma yells "No Fair!".

As I wake up, I still feel happy. Why can't things still be that simple?

Oh yeah, because, i'm me.

And nobody loves me.

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