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My eyes gently flickered open.

The sunlight streamed in over the blankets, warming my feet. I wiggled my toes and sighed, I rotated slightly and then stopped. The pain in my hip was unbearable.

I looked at the clock;


I assumed this was AM but you never could tell at North's.

I looked over to the wall and saw a Yeti there. I gestured him over and asked for some water, he pointed next to my bed. I sipped it and then I asked him where I was. He spoke and I didn't understand, I think he knew this from the bewildered look on my face. He went and fetched Tooth.

She came in, buzzing with energy. She was cautious around me, which isn't unusual, but more than usual. She told me that I had been brought here yesterday, my hip treated and layed to rest. She told me no one really knows what's wrong with Jack, but he was improving. And she also told me Bunny hadn't come around yet.

I looked away. I'd known retaliating wasn't the right thing to do, but neither was sitting back and letting myself get beaten.

"I-I can fix him." I croaked. My throat was sore, every part of me was sore.

Tooth nodded and flew out of the room, leaving me with my own thoughts once again.

Was it the right thing to do?

What's wrong with Jack?

Where's Erith now?

Do they hate me?

There were too any questions, and they didn't stop they just kept coming, and coming and coming. I felt like I was going to explode, and then, they stopped.

I could breathe again, it was great. I breathed deeply and then almost choked as Tooth came in the door. Bunny's form was laying on a stretcher and I leaned heavily on Tooth as I walked to him.

I waved my hand over his face and murmured a few words.

"Now all he needs is rest, he'll be fine by tonight."

I looked at my bed. "Then again, maybe that's what I need as well."

When I drifted to sleep, dreams found me. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2013 ⏰

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