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"Hahaha." A voice sharp enough to slice through iron chuckles.

"How cute, Talaha. Calling on the Guardians for help now are we? Hahaha. I thought my trick 350 years ago wwould've done the trick, but no matter. It will just add a slight degree of difficulty."

I know that voice, that voice that entered the nightmares for centuries. The voice of,

"Erith." I try to say, but it comes out as the faintest of whisers.

"Hmm. Trying to be strong are we. How touching. But you can't live in security for forever. I still live. And I will never be destroyed."

"I am not afraid of you." My dream-self protests in a whisper.

"Oh Talaha. We both  know that's a lie."

I wake with a start.

I find myself tangled in sheets. I see an ominous orange glow coming from the side of the room. I sit up and see the fireplace in the bedroom emmitting a pale orange light. I swing my legs over the side and reach for the bucket of water, I douse the fire and the room plummets into cold. I move my feet slowely across the floors, I sit up in bed with the duvet wrapped around my shoulders I rock myself back and forth, trying to dispell his voice from my mind. Why oh why woudn't the guardians listen.


"We can't waste our time with this." Bunny barks.

I slam my knife into the table. I'm done being nice and understanding. I'm gonna negotiate. At the sound of metal digging into wood the Yeti's all look at me and crack their knuckles. They know they can't touch me.Tooths eyes widen and she seems to flutter more nervously than before. I yank my knife out and wipe the blade on my blouse. North clears his throat, "Well... we'll have to consider whether this is worth dedicating our time to." I stare at him. " Why don't you trust me?!" I scream. North and Bunny share glances. "Well, it's just..."

"What woud I gain from lying to you? Besides, you know that isn't a lie. You've all felt his presence."

They all look at each other and Tooth bursts, "Who trusts YOU!" Then she puts her hand over her mouth and whispers apologies. Sandy floats over beside me and puts his thumbs up. I lock eyes with Jack.

Please believe me. Please Jack. After everything we've been through.

He nods and walks over to stand by my side.

"I do."

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