❁Chrysanthemums - Optimism❁

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The paper in Remus's hand crinkled. It was strange to see the words staring back at him, 'congratulations, you have been accepted to Hofen University'. It had to be a mistake, right? Surely they thought that he was his brother, but that didn't make much sense either. Roman hadn't applied to this school. "I got in." His voice was shaky as he ran his fingers over the paper. He had done this, all on his own, and he managed to get in.

"Roman!" He shouted, running up to the bedroom he shared with his brother. "Roman I got in, I got in!"

His brother groaned from his bed. "Remus it is far too early for conversation."

"It's not my fault you sleep in past noon during spring break!"

Roman groaned, turning to look at Remus, a look of frustration on his face. "Fine, what is it you wanted to tell me?"

"I got into the school I applied for." He showed Roman the paper. "I actually got in."

Roman sat up fully, taking the paper and looking it over. He was a bit shocked and for once kept his thoughts to himself until he could figure them out. "Good for you?"

He didn't finish it off with any kind of teasing remark or nickname and Remus' enthusiasm immediately began to fade. "You didn't think I could do it, did you?"

"Well, it's just that-"

"Just what? That I'm the lesser twin?" Remus snatched the paper away.

"Re, that's not-"

"Forget it, Roman." His words were filled with venom as he walked away. What had he expected? For someone in his family to be happy about an accomplishment of his? Like that would ever happen. Remus still had to make it through the rest of high school, but more than ever he was ready to get away from his family. He stormed out of the room, resisting the urge to knock over his mother's vase on the way out. His parents weren't even home and he knew if he texted them they wouldn't answer.

He had spent years in his brother's shadow.

'Roman is so charismatic, why can't you take some pointers from him.'

'Roman got the lead in the play, why don't you do something constructive?'

'You know, Roman had to go out and get a math tutor, why didn't you offer to help your brother?'

Even when Remus was doing better than Roman he still lost. How was it that no matter what he did, he was still losing? Even getting into his first-choice college, Roman was still ruining his day. Kicking the rock in front of him, Remus thought about how he could get his destructive urges out until he heard a soft "Ow."

Quickly, he turned to look at the boy who was rubbing his head gently. Dang, it! He always let his emotions take control of him. He was going to be in so much trouble if he got in another fight. Then again, this guy didn't look like he could fight well. Remus could probably take him, still, he didn't want to get into a fight, not while he was still holding his acceptance letter.

"Sorry," He muttered and the boy looked up at him with the brightest blue eyes.

"Oh it's okay Kiddo, are you doing okay? Looks like your emotions might be a little rocky," he giggled and Remus couldn't help but let out a small laugh. At least there wasn't going to be a fight. This puffball was just a soft little thing, wasn't he?

"Just a little frustrated," Remus commented. "I'm sure I will be fine. What about you though, I don't think I've seen you around." Remus might not be popular, but Roman knew just about everyone in the town, which meant that Remus knew almost everyone.

"Oh, I'm just visiting on spring break. My parents moved here while I was away at college, then they left me for work." He was pouting but it was obvious he wasn't serious.

"Really? A college man?" Remus wiggled his eyebrows.

The man laughed, "Just barely. I'm a freshman at Hofen University."

That made Remus light up. "I'm going to Hofen next year!" He ran over and showed the man the acceptance letter. "I'm Remus!"

"Really?" he looked over the letter before letting out a squeal of happiness. "I'm so happy for you! My name's Patton, let me get my phone out. When you get in on day one text me and I'll help you carry boxes, if you need it!"

Patton pulled out his phone and opened up a new contact before handing the phone to Remus. "You are going to like it there."

Remus smiled, "I really really hope so." He said, quickly typing his information in. "I hope we can be friends." He hadn't meant to say that out loud but oh well. It would be nice to have a friend that wasn't connected to Roman.

It was a strange bubbling of hope that sprung up in his heart. For the first time in a long time, he could see a life without Roman's shadow, and maybe that would include a friend who liked him just for who he was.

"I love making new friends, want to chill and talk at the park? I can answer questions about the school."


The future looked bright.

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