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— Epilogue —

"Mr. Lee?" Donghyuck heard Akira's voice. He looked up from his notes to the door which she was leaning against. She was still wearing her usual business attire despite Donghyuck telling her several times throughout the past months that she didn't have to anymore.

"Akira, I told you to call me Donghyuck." he scolded her in a friendly manner. She only smiled at him and ignored his words as she announced "The other Mr. Lee is waiting for you in the lobby."

"What is he doing here already, he knows I work late on Fridays." Donghyuck mumbled but nonetheless put his notes away. It wasn't even late, around four in the afternoon but he was already feeling kind of tired. Following Akira through the big building, he couldn't help but feel proud of himself.

In those past three months in which he had been the CEO and gained Mark's partnership, the company was thriving. Partly because Donghyuck was listening more to his employees than his father did and partly because Mark's company was also being successful. The two were actually planning a fusion but that was still only an idea and nothing was set yet. Maybe that's why Mark had come here?

Speaking of Mark, the man was indeed waiting in the lobby. He wasn't wearing his usual suit which had Donghyuck raising his eyebrows. Nonetheless he and Akira walked over to him, Mark politely bowing to Akira before greeting Donghyuck with a kiss on the nose.

"Hey baby." he whispered and wrapped his arm around Donghyuck who gave his boyfriend a scolding look.

"Shouldn't you be working?" he asked but Mark shook his head.

"Monday is May 1st which means we have a long weekend before us. And I want to start it as early as possible. I asked Akira and she said you were done with all your meetings." Mark explained, giving Akira a thankful nod.

"Traitor." Donghyuck told the woman who giggled and then told the two goodbye.

"So what do you want to do?" Donghyuck asked as the two stepped out of the building. Mark had a mysterious smile on his lips as he told Donghyuck "I made plans. But first let's go home and get you changed."

Donghyuck let Mark drive, feeling still tired. Sleepily he leaned his head against the headrest and closed his eyes. He didn't get much sleep recently since his parents were getting a divorce and he had to help his father move out. He felt bad for both of them, especially for his mother who now lived alone with Donghyuck in the big mansion. But she told him she would sell the house soon anyway as she wanted to go on a world trip now that she wasn't bound to Donghyuck's father anymore. Donghyuck felt sad about losing his parents' relationship as well as the house but at the same time he knew it was for the best.

Seeing as the mansion would soon be sold, Mark and Donghyuck had already searched for apartments in the area so they could move in together. Both loved the idea, Donghyuck especially since he loved the feeling of sleeping next to Mark just like they had done on the island. Whenever he thought of it he still felt a bit sad, missing the place wholeheartedly.

The two arrived, getting out of the car. Donghyuck's mother wasn't home so Donghyuck didn't bother announcing that he was with Mark.

Speaking of Mark, the man was following him around the whole house. Usually he would just stay in Donghyuck's room but seeing as the two were alone for once, Mark looked around the house. Donghyuck let him, needing a shower and a change of clothes.

Afterwards he cuddled himself on the couch, Mark sitting down next to him. Donghyuck made grabby hands towards him and Mark laughed, leaning back so his boyfriend could cuddle him.

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