1- I'm following your breath without knowing it

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Felix's internship was eye opening and life changing for him, something amazing he was experiencing.

"Dr. Lee & Dr. Han, great work today! We'll let you both close up while Dr. Hye and I discuss next surgeries"

"Thank you Dr. Zhang!"

Felix just finished another interesting surgery with another intern he became friends with, while the two doctors went to scrub out he finished up his sutures.

"Felix today was so cool!"

"Me too Lulu! I'm learning so many things!" Felix gave a small giggle as him and Luhan were finishing up.

"I'm really glad you're here! I'm glad I'm not in this program alone..." Luhan said shyly.

"I'm glad to be here too-"

"Dr. Lee? You have an urgent call on the line" a nurse interrupted them bringing his cell phone.

"What?? Who is it??" Felix looked up with worry.

"It's from your fiancé, he said it's an emergency" the nurse also said with concern.

What?? Oh no!!

"Ok, bring the phone to my ear please" he asked urgently, Luhan quietly was still doing his sutures glancing up periodically to see the nurse hold up the phone to his ear.

"Channie?? I'm here! What's wrong?? The nurse said it's an emergency??" Felix tried not to panic as he slowly sutured.

"Hi little Lixie~
The emergency is I miss my princess of China~"

Felix froze as soon as he heard that, clenching his jaw huffing under his breath.

This motherfucker!

"Dr, Bang, I am working. I already spoke to you before my surgery and your call is not an emergency...!" Felix sighed closing his eyes for a moment.

"I know but you hung up before you said you loved meeee~" Chan whined in a teasing tone.

This man!


"Felix, is everything ok?" Luhan asked him, the blonde gave a nod.

"Ya Lulu-"

"Oh, did my princess make new friends?~
Hi Lulu~" Chan cut him off saying loudly when he heard Luhan talk to Felix. Luhan definitely heard that as well as the nurse, both of them laughing a bit.


Felix thought he would faint from embarrassment.

"Bang Chan, I'm in the middle of closing up my patient so if you don't have an actual emergency I will talk to you later" he sighed finishing a suture.

"Uh uh, not until you tell me you love me~"

"Chan!" Felix whisper yelled, both the nurse and Luhan were trying to hide their small giggles.

"You better or I won't call you later for our date~" Chan smirked on his end, Felix bit his lip getting annoyed with Chan's teasing.

I swear he-

"Fine, love you. Bye-"

"No no, say it how I like~" Chan teased some more, Felix huffed again gripping his fingers tighter on the instruments.

"Bang Chan, if you don't-"

"I'm waiting cutie~" Chan hummed.

"*sigh* cess...love..." Felix mumbled quietly.

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