9- All of your imaginations are coming true

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Chan intensely watched the rest of the procedure making sure Lay didn't do anything else to sabotage Felix, and he knew why...

It was because Chan was there, and Lay didn't like it.

After a few hours they finished and Chan waited outside the room for Felix, but it was Lay who stepped out first while the interns were still talking.

And there, Chan and Lay were face to face.

"Oh, hello Chan. Didn't notice you were here, did you enjoy your observation?" Lay gave a fake smile, Chan gave a fake smile back inching closer.

"Ya I did, and I know what you were trying to do to Felix in there. And that's low, really low and fucked up for a doctor! No, even for a teacher to do that to his student all because you're jeal-"

"Oh Dr. Bang, you know I never mean any harm to my students. Especially Felix" he smirked to Chan, and by now Chan was close to killing the man.

This fucker!

"Listen Lay-"

"You may not agree with my teaching, but trial and error is what I tend to go with sometimes to test my students. Which I what I did today, so if you don't like it. Then unfortunately you don't~"  Lay said back, Chan clenched his jaw still glaring at him.

"Don't you try to lie you-"

"I have another surgery to attend to Chan, it was a pleasure seeing you" he smiled walking past him, Chan looked over his shoulder smirking.

"Oh it's my pleasure too Dr. Zhang. Oh! And our apologies if we were too loud with YOGA last night!!" Chan yelled down the hall, Lay stopped in his tracks looking over his shoulder giving a look to Chan.

Other doctors nearby didn't know what Chan actually meant by that...

But both of those two, knew...
Very much what it was about.

Chan gave a fake smile and wave turning around waiting for Felix by the door, soon after him and Luhan stepped out.

"Great job Lulu! I-"

"Hey little Lixie~"


"You two are so cute! I'll see you later!" Luhan giggled walking off, Felix hugged Chan wrapping his arms around his neck kissing him.

"Channie did you see me?? I did it!" Felix smiled.

"Yes you did baby, always so smart you are~" Chan winked holding his waist.

"Well...Lay did throw a curveball asking me to do it myself first...but you helped me remember! Thank you!!" Felix giggled kissing him again.

"Well, I know sometimes you forget things for a short span under pressure...but we did brief through your techniques the other day and today too. Even if I wasn't there...I'm sure you would have remembered on your own" Chan hugged him kissing his neck.

"Well I had my sexy fiancé to help me-"

Felix's pager went off to go check on a patient...

"*sigh* I'm sorry Channie I-"

"It's ok little Lixie, I'll go explore the city and go back to your place. Text me when you finish work and good job today...princess~" Chan whispered the last part, Felix giggled kissing his lips.

"Thank you Channie! I'll see you later! Love you!" Felix kissed him then ran off.

"Love you too baby~" Chan said watching him leave, he gave a small sigh walking down the hall to leave. Seeing Lay in a different one going into another operating room, Chan could only have devil eyes watching him go in the room.

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