5- ... I can't stop it

919 61 35

And when Felix told Chan who his neighbor is...

And the neighbor's brother...


"Channie calm down-"

"Oh that motherfucker is asking for me to cut out his organs without any anesthesia!!" Chan yelled.



"Channie..." Felix whined louder.

All hell broke loose back at their loft, Chan was in murder mode ready to go after Lay finding out he was practically going to be near Felix's apartment 24/7.

The couple were having their video call date when Felix told the older...and he already knew Chan wouldn't take it well...

The older was on a rampage as he got up starting to grab things to pack in a duffle bag.

"Channie stop that! We're eating-"

"Fuck eating! I'm going to the airport right now!" Chan yelled from afar grabbing more things, Felix sighed rolling his eyes.

I know he's jealous but this is just insane!!


Chan was muttering to himself more curse words about Lay not hearing Felix talk to him.


"BANG CHAN!!" Felix yelled loudly for his attention.

"Huh?? Don't worry little Lixie I'm gonna book my flight and-"

"Chan no you will not! You have surgery tomorrow and there is no reason for you to suddenly fly to another country to attempt murder on another doctor!" Felix crossed his arms scolding him, Chan clenched his jaw walking up to his laptop looking at the boy.

"Well what am I supposed to do?? Allow you to be his prey??!!"


"I'll break every bone in his whore body so he won't ever perform surgery again-"

"Ok enough!!" Felix yelled loudly trying to stop Chan's angry rant, the older blonde gave him a look raising an eyebrow.

"Yes??" He said sarcastically to the boy, Felix took a deep breath sighing into his hands.

This man!

"Bang Chan, you will not come to China. You're staying your ass home" Felix gave a look back.

"And why not?? Lay-"

"Because I'd rather not my fiancé end up in prison for jealous murder!!" Felix huffed at him, Chan rolled his eyes taking his seat in front of the laptop.

"What do you expect me to do Felix?? He has ulterior motives you are just throwing caution to the wind" Chan said plainly.

"Channie, calm down please. I am well aware of what Lay May or may not try on me again. I don't care what he thinks or if he likes me still"


"I care about you! My fiancé who I don't want stressed and worried over who lives next to me. Ok? I doubt I'll even see him around when I'm home, I haven't before until I needed my package. So just calm down that wolf ego please..." Felix sighed again giving him soft eyes, Chan tried doing so looking down.

He was quiet for a moment then looked to the side pouting.

"Yes princess..."

Felix gave a small giggle reaching for his water to drink.

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