2- That feeling that never happened before

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"Hey Yeji, you're doing the aortic dissection with me today right?"

"Hey Chan! Yup! I'll see you soon!"

"Sounds good!"

Chan was having his usual day at work, prepping for more surgeries. It was going on 3 weeks without Felix and he missed him so much already including being in his surgeries.

I'm going through withdrawals already...god damn I miss him

Felix was busy with his own work as well, learning plenty of new things and techniques.

"Lulu look! Today's lecture speaker is Winwin! His work is amazing just like Lay!"

"I know!! I can't wait!!"

Felix was excited with his friend for all the new things they were learning about.

I love this so much!!

Thankfully even though they were part the time differences weren't so bad when they wanted to talk with each other.

"Hi Channie~"

"Hey baby, how is my little Lixie?~"

The two were having another video call one of the nights after both their work, Felix was in bed drying his damp hair a towel after just showering. He turned up the brightness on his phone to see the older.

"I'm ok, just showered" he fluffed his pillow resting against it, smiling to see Chan's face after a long day.

"Oh? I did too~
But it hasn't been the same without my princess to fuck in it-"

"Bang Chan!"

"I know it's been a shame I've been using my hand to-"

"Channie stop that!"

"What? What did I do now?" Chan whined with a pout.

This man...

"Chan, I haven't spoken to you all day and the first thing you bring up is that!?"

"Is it wrong if I do?" He shrugged.

Good god...

"Never mind...anyways yes I showered and ate...today was a long one..." Felix sighed pushing his hair back.

"Me too...today was exhausting but, seeing your face makes it all better" Chan smiled rolling on his side.

"Oh ya?~" Felix teased sinking further into his pillow.

"Mmhm, and having this cutie with me definitely makes me happy too~" Chan reached for the wolf plushie Felix left for him, showing it to the camera.

"Aww, you still cuddle with Berry~
I have Periwinkle too~" Felix giggled reaching for his cat plushie as well.

"Yes I do, Berry does pretty well. But I still miss my princess..." Chan's smile faltered as he looked down, the younger became quiet as well. He could already tell the older was sad again.


"I miss you princess...I miss you so much..." he whispered looking at him again, the young blonde gave a small pout.

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