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Instead of the class vote exam a new exam takes place which causes Ayanokoji and Kushida to come close to each other.

Kiyo POV

Just like any other day I woke up, did my daily routine got ready and started walking towards school. Our class performed well in the Mixed training camp special exam which took place almost a month ago. Classes have been going through normally I hung out with the Ayanokoji group, the name which I'm still pretty embarrassed with.

I came in and sat on my desk I was one of the last people to come in and was greeted by the sight of a compass wielding devil. I greeted her and looked outside the window, after a few minutes Chabashira sensei came in with a look which we all were familiar with by now. Everyone looked at her waiting for her to announce something important.

"Well by the looks on your face I think you have an idea of what is going to happen." Sensei said with her usual smirk on her face.

"Sensei is there going to be another special exam?" asked Ike.

"Well yes there today I'm going to announce the new special exam which is called the partner test."Sensei said.

Partner... I can already see myself in an uncomfortable situation.

"Sensei is this going to be like the paper shuffle exam?" asked the puppet lea- *cough* cough * Horikita

"While you're going to participate in the exam with another student it is going to be quite different from earlier exams, before any other questions I'll explain the details."

The whole classroom looked attentively towards Sensei as she started to explain the rules of the exam.

"In this exam you are going to be randomly paired up with a classmate of the opposite gender and you will be giving the exam together. This exam will be mostly based on your social skills and your bond with your partner."

"The exam will take place for 1 week starting from tomorrow."

"You will be living with your partner in one of your dorms for the duration of your exam."

"But Sensei I-isn't this wrong as both the partner are of different gender?" asked Shinohara and was supported by many other girls.

" Quite! For this exam you are permitted to stay in the dorms of the opposite gender, once you graduate and start your life in society there will be time which you will spend with your roommates/ partner etc. This exam will prepare you to deal with such situations and make you a better person. For each pair not following this rule your class points will be deducted by 30 points.
You will be judged by the number of tasks you complete and the duo will be competing at an pair level against the other pairs.

The pairs will be given points on the basis of the number of tasks completed. And the class which ends up with the most number of points will win 150 class points, The 2nd place class will get 75 class points, the 3rd place will not get anything while the class. Class in the last place will lose 150 class points.

For the individual pairs the pair with most points will win 500,000 private points, 50 class points and 1 protection point each. While the pair with the least amount of points will be expelled and the class they belong to will lose 50 class points."

Hearing the punishment set by the school everyone's face turned pale, if this exam doesn't goes well there's a possibility that our class ends up losing 2 students. This exam will be highly challenging on me depending on the partner I get. I can only hope that I get Haruka or Kei as my partner as they are one of the few female classmates I have a good bond with. Of I end up with someone strange to me like Inogashira or Onodera then this exam can put my freedom at risk.

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