1. Say Ahhh

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Kiyo POV

After reaching my dorm we both enter my room and I ask her what she would like to drink.

"Some water please."

I gave her a glass of water and sit next to her.

"There's still 3 hours before we receive the tasks for today so we can bring your stuff here and buy some groceries and ingredients for dinner." I said

"Hmm yeah I'll go bring my stuff and by the way you never told me you can cook." She replied to me.

"It's not like we talk with each other anyway." It was true, the only time we ever talk is when she wants to confirm that I didn't tell anyone about 'that incident'.

"Still it's great, not many boys of your age cook anyways."

"I just do it for saving some points."

"Hmm well your room also looks very plain, did you even buy anything since we joined the school?" She asks me as she looks around the room.

"Not really, just the necessities I don't like to spend too much points anyway." I reply, well if I didn't have to spent 50,000 points to save Sudo and 15,000 Points for the old midterm papers then maybe I could've bought some furniture or maybe some form of entertainment device.

"Well I'll go bring my stuff."She said as she left the room.

After 30 minutes Kushida returns with a bag full of clothes, daily necessities and some other stuff.

We then head out towards the convenience store and when the elevator opens it reveals a Light bright enough to blind my eyes. After 5 seconds I realized that the light is actually Sudo ( Sudog) who is very happy as he gets to be with his crush (master) for the next week. With him is the compass wielding devil with her stern look. It seems like they are also heading out.

"Yo."I greet them as we enter the elevator.

For some reason they 3 are staring at me now.

"Is something wrong?"I ask them while tilting my head.

"Yeah the word 'Yo' coming from your mouth sounds very..... Let's just say unique." says Kushida while the other 2 nod multiple times.

"So how's it going for you 2?" I ask them trying to change the weird atmosphere.

"So far Sudo has been obeying my commands nicely although for some reason he really doesn't wants me to enter his room." replies Horikita as she looks at Sudo suspiciously from the corner of her eyes.

Well if it's the 3 idiots I can already imagine their rooms, dirty clothes all over the room, strange smell coming from every corner, used tissues in the dustbin, some outside the dustbin.
It's not something you'll like for your crush to see.

"W-well t-thats just 'cause u'know how we boys have dirty rooms and stuff around tell her Ayanokoji."Sudo looked towards me asking for my help.

As I was about to reply Kushida intervened and said:
"Hmm I don't know about others but Ayanokoji-kun's room is very clean, he has almost no extra things it's almost like the first time we came to our rooms."

"Well I just don't have points to buy stuff."I replied in an uninterested manner.

"Sudo kun I don't know what is going on in your room but I already don't want to enter it."

Oi Oi Horikita you'll end up breaking him.

As the elevator kun opened itself we moved out and separated as Kushida held me back, allowing Horikita and Sudo to go ahead of us.

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